19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Consumer Energy Alliance commended a conference committee comprised of members from the Massachusetts legislature that recently approved a final version of the Energy Diversity Bill (H.4385/S.2372) which removed a harmful.

Monthly natural gas heating bill

Timothy Murray, President and CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the former lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, writes about the high cost businesses and families in Massachusetts must.

Family electric bill

David Holt discusses anti-energy protesters whose policies will lead to increased energy prices for families and small businesses with the Walpole Times. Do you have four days off from your.

Pipeline worker in pipe

America’s energy infrastructure is in need of modernization to better supply families, farmers, and manufacturers with affordable, reliable energy. Six hundred days and counting. That’s the time one developer has.

Inside view of a pipeline

Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the benefits of pipeline infrastructure for Pennsylvanians. To many, the Constitution Pipeline could hold many promises — jobs; infrastructure for communities, businesses and schools;.

Pipeline and shutoff valves

CEA’s Michael Whatley discusses the importance of maintaining and upgrading existing pipeline infrastructure to benefit household consumers of natural gas. New York state has experienced the country’s biggest increase in.

Transmission and Generation Control Room

Forbes looks at increasing concerns surrounding New England’s push for new natural gas power plants but opposition to the pipelines required to bring more natural gas into the region to.

Family electric bill

Consumer Energy Alliance, New York State Laborers’, and the Business Council of New York submitted a petition to encourage New York Gov. Cuomo to protect families from increasing energy costs.

Two steel construction workers welding metal

Natural gas, delivered by modernized and new pipelines, is expected to fuel industrial and commercial growth across North Dakota and Minnesota. A Bismarck-based energy company says it wants to build.

green cast iron cooking pot on a gas stove

New and modernized pipeline infrastructure is allowing natural gas produced in the Marcellus to supply manufacturers and households across both Midwest and southern states. The Ohio-Louisiana Access Project of Boardwalk.