PfA Mid-Atlantic

Electric transmission lines

CEA Applauds Administration for Streamlining and Reducing Regulatory Overlap; Seeks Continued Focus on Greenlighting...

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Ahead of President Trump’s first State of the Union address, Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt issued the following statement: “In his...
Safety Worker

Pipeline Builders Try New Growth Strategy: Bigger Pipes

Modernizing America's energy infrastructure doesn't always necessitate building new pipelines.  Sometimes, existing pipelines can be enhanced with new technology to become more efficient, allowing...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Balance Key in Addressing Energy Grid, Household Cost Concerns

With an arctic chill gripping a substantial portion of the country, consumers will be facing higher energy bills from New England to the Mid-Atlantic. ...
Woman stressed over bills

Rule of Law

CEA's David Holt recently discussed how the regulatory process for infrastructure construction, when used to achieve political ends, harms families and energy consumers across...
Smart thermostat for energy efficiency and conservation

Staying Warm in This Bitter Cold Will Take a Bite Out of Your Wallet

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler recently talked about how the lack of pipelines impacts the heating bills of families in New Jersey. The cost...
Family Walking in the Winter Snow

Gas Pipeline Proposed From Martins Creek to Philadelphia

Families and businesses in Philadelphia may be in line for a reprieve from high energy bills as a result of a modernizing an existing...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

North Dakota’s Pipeline Payoff

Earlier this year, it was reported North Dakota may have been experiencing an oil boomlet as a result of the completion of the Dakota...
Family Grocery Shopping

Bruner, Santa: Pipeline Infrastructure Serves the Public Interest

We know that pipelines pave the way for family-sustaining jobs as a result of construction and manufacturers because of the affordable, reliable supplies of...
DAPL Protests

Professional Protesters Threaten Energy Infrastructure

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists sat down with David Holt to discuss CEA's latest report “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical...
People dining in restaurant

Our Communities Need Pipelines

CEA's Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Mike Butler describes the massive benefits of Pennsylvania's Marcellus shale play. As Butler explains, "drilling is just the beginning," and...