PfA Mid-Continent

American oil refinery

America Needs More Pipelines

The American energy renaissance has changed the dynamics of world markets - making American businesses more competitive.  American companies are now primed to expand...
Couple camping

Mid-Continent Families Likely To Pay More For Electricity If Access To Energy Is Denied

The average Mid-Continent family currently enjoys some of the lowest electricity costs in the nation. While these low costs are attributable to the region’s...
Pipeline construction

Eminent Domain: Oil & Gas Pipelines, Infrastructure, Ranchers

CEA President David Holt recently joined Jacki Daily to discuss how energy infrastructure is permitted. Listen here - The Jacki Daily Show
Woman stressed over bills

Pipeline Projects Caught up in Washington “Dysfunction”

CEA's David Holt discusses how the lack of a quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has harmed energy consumers. "We've never had a situation...
Electric transmission lines

CEA Urges Senate Action to Address Agency Nominations, Infrastructure Permitting

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's David Holt discussing the importance of bipartisanship in Washington, D.C. in ensuring the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is...
Electric transmission lines

Commission Vacancies Threaten Trump’s Energy ‘Dominance’

CEA President David Holt was quoted by the New York Times discussing the importance of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the impact vacancies...
A girl with her Labrador getting ready for vacation

Clogged Oil Arteries Slow U.S. Shale Rush to Record Output

Just a few short years ago, American drivers were stuck with gas prices averaging $4.00 per gallon or more across the country.  Increasing domestic...
Wheat crop

Pipeline Congestion Causes Spike in Crude-by-Rail Shipments

Farmers across the Midwest have suffered in the past with increased transportation costs as they try to get their crops to market as a...
Pipeline Connection

Pipelines for America with David Holt

CEA's David Holt joined Jacki Daily to discuss the Pipelines for America campaign and the positive impact pipeline infrastructure has on lowering utility bills...
Stack of pipelines

Looking to Trim Costs? Approve a Pipeline

CEA President David Holt discussed how consumers across the country can see energy bills decrease as a result of pipelines. Families and businesses in Massachusetts,...