PfA Mid-Continent

Young man and his two sons on organic strawberry farm in summer, picking berries

Shale Boom, Pipelines a One-Two Punch in Knocking Out Air Pollution

David Holt reviews CEA's recent report, Increased Environmental Benefits from Pipelines & Energy Development for Nation and New York, which looks at how America has...
Fast fashion

What’s Your Solution for the Energy Needed in Fast Fashion?

Whether you’re a woman or a man, you’ve likely been in a predicament where an event has come up, the weather’s changing, or there...
Construction Workers Talking

Texas’ Permian Oil Field Sees Slowing Labor Market

Constraints on critical energy infrastructure, like pipelines, are not just preventing new investment in states like Texas, but they are also causing employment opportunities...
Grocery shopping

What’s Your Solution for Feeding 328 Million Americans?

According to the US Census Bureau Population clock, the population of the United States on July 4 was more than 328 million – which...
Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

Anti-pipeline Activists Play a Cynical, Costly Game

As anti-pipeline activists increasingly resort to violence, they continue to willfully ignore the safety benefits pipelines provide for the environment while assuring reliable delivery...

Texas-Sized Gas Conundrum Plagues America’s Busiest Oil PlayTexas-Sized Gas Conundrum Plagues America’s Busiest Oil...

Constrained infrastructure is quickly leading to problems getting oil and natural gas to end-users in Texas. A pipeline shortage that’s leaving gas trapped in West...
Construction worker and backhoe

Oil Industry Building Pipelines to Address America’s Biggest Energy Roadblock

As we've indicated over the past few months, constraints in vital energy infrastructure are preventing America from becoming more energy independent while lowering the...
Pipeline Construction

Pipeline Leadership Conference, ‘Building Your Advantage’ in the Pipeline Industry

The fifth annual Pipeline Leadership Conference is a two day event in Houston, Texas. This year's event focused on 'Building Your Advantage.' Consumer Energy...
Family Walking in the Winter Snow

Energy Headlines and Challenges to Watch for in 2019

CEA President David Holt previews the energy discussions and challenges that lie ahead in 2019, and what energy consumers - from families and small...
Pipeline Connection

Pipelines for America with David Holt

CEA's David Holt joined Jacki Daily to discuss the Pipelines for America campaign and the positive impact pipeline infrastructure has on lowering utility bills...