PfA Southeast

American oil refinery

America Needs More Pipelines

The American energy renaissance has changed the dynamics of world markets - making American businesses more competitive.  American companies are now primed to expand...
A girl with her Labrador getting ready for vacation

Clogged Oil Arteries Slow U.S. Shale Rush to Record Output

Just a few short years ago, American drivers were stuck with gas prices averaging $4.00 per gallon or more across the country.  Increasing domestic...
Electric transmission lines at dusk

Sabal Trail Gas Pipeline to Start Service Tomorrow

With utilities across Florida investing in new natural gas power plants, pipelines are necessary to ensure that the reduced emissions benefits and affordable power...
Storage of pipe line segments for placement

Pipeline Support Isn’t Surprising; It’s Time to Build It Now

The Exponent Telegram's editorial board called for the building of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline after thoroughly reviewing the positive environmental and economic data collected for...
Stack of pipelines

The Fine Print on Pipelines Isn’t Scary

With oil and natural gas pipelines projects receiving hyperbolic headlines in the news, Forbes takes a look at the historical track record of pipelines and...
Laborers working on pipeline

Pipelines Can Provide a Path to Good-paying Jobs

While testifying before Congress, LiUNA's General President Terry O'Sullivan discusses the importance of energy infrastructure jobs to families across the nation. In February, a congressional...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

New U.S. Pipelines to Drive Natural Gas Boom As Exports Surge

As new pipelines are being constructed across the country, areas from the Dakotas to the Mid-Ohio Valley will continue to see more investment and...

Proceed With the Pipelines. They’re a Better Way

The editorial board of The Chicago Tribune acknowledged the environmental benefits of pipelines, in addition to the new jobs a pipeline like Keystone XL will create...
Steel mill worker over furnace

American Steel Companies ‘Fully Prepared’ to Supply Pipelines, US Steel CEO Says

As President Trump pushes to upgrade and expand our nation's energy infrastructure, steel manufacturers across the United States have pledged to provide the steel...
Laborers working on pipeline

Union Members Rally For Pipeline

Across the country, union laborers are standing up for construction jobs, like the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, that pay family-sustaining wages. Dozens of union members...