PfA Southeast

Tractor mowing green field

Pipeline Buildout a Must-have for Agriculture

America's farmers depend on affordable, reliable energy to plant, harvest, and prepare their crops to transport to market.  The pipelines our nation relies on...
CNC machine shop with lathes, technicians and workers

McAuliffe Doubles Down on Pipeline Support, Hints at Economic Prospects

New pipelines bring not just construction jobs, but the prospect of new economic opportunities as businesses relocate or expand to access affordable, reliable supplies...
Laser cutting of metal sheet in tool shop

Virginia Voters Say Infrastructure a Positive Investment

Recent polling in Virginia shows that nearly 85 percent of residents support investments in energy infrastructure which helps make Virginia more competitive to attract...

Sabal Trail Gas Pipeline to Start Construction in Lee County

After receiving it's permit to begin construction, construction workers on the Sabal Trail pipeline are already injecting money into the local economy.  One county...
Transmission and Generation Control Room

New Report Documents Pipeline Safety Improvements

A new report was recently released by the Association of Oil Pipelines, examining the safety record of the the country's 207,800+ miles of liquids...
Building Under Construction with Crane

Labor Union Group Urges Expanded Infrastructure Development to Meet Power Plan Goals

How critical will expanding the use of natural gas be to meeting the goals of U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan?  Yvette Pena-O'Sullivan, assistant director...
green cast iron cooking pot on a gas stove

Last Piece of Marcellus-Focused Ohio-Louisiana Access Approved For Service

New and modernized pipeline infrastructure is allowing natural gas produced in the Marcellus to supply manufacturers and households across both Midwest and southern states. The...
Production assembly line for manufacturing of engines

Pipeline Opposition Impacting Economic Development, Manufacturers Say

Manufacturers across the country depend on affordable, reliable natural gas to power their facilities and make products consumers use everyday. Manufacturing companies, which depend on...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

North Dakota’s Pipeline Payoff

Earlier this year, it was reported North Dakota may have been experiencing an oil boomlet as a result of the completion of the Dakota...
Family Grocery Shopping

Bruner, Santa: Pipeline Infrastructure Serves the Public Interest

We know that pipelines pave the way for family-sustaining jobs as a result of construction and manufacturers because of the affordable, reliable supplies of...