CEA Alaska

CEA’s Alaska chapter works to raise awareness about Alaska’s contribution to domestic energy production for the lower 48. Alaska’s onshore and offshore production are crucial to the oil supply for America’s western region as well as America’s geopolitical presence in the Arctic region and America’s overall consumer energy prices.

Pipeline welder

Lend a Hand and Help Build a Pipeline

CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America's hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses. Hating pipelines – and energy...
Signing a letter

Energy Consumer Protection Pledge Reaches Milestone of 250 Signatories

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for families and businesses who rely on safe and affordable energy, is pleased to...

Voters Gather to Say ‘Yes’ to Offshore Alaskan Energy Development

In front a crowd of supporters holding up signs that read “OCS YES!”, energy consumers, producers, and business leaders from across Alaska came together...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

Stop Hurting Environment American Energy Protecting

David Holt, CEA's President, addresses the recent increase in extremists attempting to sabotage or tamper with America's energy infrastructure - and the real, deadly...
Man adjusting the temperature on the thermostat of his house

Hate to Say We Told You So: Federal Energy Data Paint Ugly Winter Picture

With new data from the Department of Energy and the Energy Information Administration showing that natural gas is the leading contributor to reducing the...
Arctic offshore drilling rig

Costs of New U.S. Arctic Regulations May Cool Offshore Oil Production Plans

CEA's David Holt was interviewed by Platts about the importance of energy exploration in the U.S. Arctic. The Obama administration unveiled final regulations for drilling...
oil and gas

Offshore U.S. Oil and Gas Is Critical to Lowering Energy Prices

CEA President Holt examines the history of offshore leasing for energy exploration and production and how freezing federal lease sales leads to higher gas...
Family cooking breakfast

Green New Deal Would Cost American Consumers More Than $258 Billion – in JUST...

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable...

CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour Submits Comments on New Five-Year Program

Click here to view CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour's comments on the new five-year program.
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

When Conversations Turn Violent

CEA President David Holt was featured in the Washington Examiner after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, endangering not only first responders,...