It’s Time To Open ANWR!
For the first time in over a decade, ANWR is back in the energy discussion - and now you have the chance to tell...
Help Keep Alaska Strong!
Stand Up for Alaska! As Alaskans, we know firsthand how important energy is to our families, communities, and businesses.
After years of barriers, the federal government...
Offshore Announcement a Win for Alaska Families
CEA Alaska Executive Director Anne Seneca discussed the importance of offshore energy for Alaska's families.
After years of limitations on natural resource development in our...
Tell Washington We Support Development in Alaska
Alaska families and businesses depend on the jobs that come from our state’s abundant energy resources.
However, recent federal actions closed the door to much of Alaska’s...
Stand Up for Alaska Families and Businesses, Send a Message to Washington!
Alaska families and businesses depend on the jobs that come from our state’s abundant energy resources.
However, in recent years federal actions closed the door to much...
Without More Pipelines, Scary Economic Scenarios Become Real
CEA's David Holt was featured in Real Clear Energy discussing how pipelines contribute to ensuring financial stability for families.
Energy costs are “affordable” up until...
Report: U.S. Will Lose One-Third of its Electricity Generation Capacity Without More Infrastructure
A new report released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) found that rejecting pipeline infrastructure would remove almost one-third of U.S. electricity generation capacity...
Obama Puts US Arctic, Atlantic OCS Off-limits to Oil, Gas Activity
CEA President David Holt discussed the recent administrative actions prohibiting energy exploration with the PanAtlantic Journal.
U.S. President Barack Obama closed 3.8 million acres off...
Carbon Emissions Down to Lowest Levels in 25 Years – Thanks to the Energy...
Concerned about air emissions? Here’s some good news - emissions in the United States are dropping and have been dropping due to the increased...
Will America Reverse an Offshore Oil and Gas Agenda Gone Adrift?
CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the importance of taking at thoughtful, deliberative approach to implement successful policies for offshore energy exploration.
In what promises to be one of...