CEA Gulf Coast

From oil and natural gas to solar and wind power, the Gulf Coast provides families and businesses with the affordable, reliable energy that fuels our lives. With an abundant supply of American made energy and feedstocks, CEA Gulf Coast lends a powerful voice to the reshoring of America’s petrochemical industry and the supply chain it requires.

Family cooking breakfast

Green New Deal Would Cost American Consumers More Than $258 Billion – in JUST...

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable...
Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

Leading Consumer Energy and Environment Advocate Applauds Announcement of Gov. Edwards as New Chairman...

Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauded the selection of Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards...
Natural gas used for cooking

Mississippi Governor Signs Consumer Energy Service Protection Legislation

JACKSON, MS – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauds Governor Reeves for signing the All Fuels Act of 2021, bipartisan...
Mother preparing healthy food lunch boxes for children in kitchen

Leading Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate Applauds Mississippi Legislature for Passage of Consumer Energy...

JACKSON, MS – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauded the Mississippi Legislature for passing the All Fuels Act...
Construction worker and backhoe

Ripple Effects of Targeting a Single Industry Hit the Entire Economy

With the stroke of a pen, thousands of union construction jobs modernizing our nation's energy transmission system were eliminated.  CEA's David Holt looks at...
Ice on electric lines

Texas Energy Crisis a Wake-Up Call for Policymakers

As Texas begins to recover from mass power outages, CEA's David Holt looks at the necessity of designing a robust energy system that delivers...
Children Having Bath And Brushing Teeth

Urge Mississippi Legislature to Prohibit Local Bans on Natural Gas Hookups

Across the country, natural gas bans are being introduced that eliminate the ability of consumers to choose the fuel they want to cook and...
Offshore energy production in the Gulf of Mexico

Suspension of Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale Economically & Environmentally Short-Sighted, Nation’s Leading Energy...

WASHINGTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for responsible energy and environmental policies for families and businesses, today expressed disappointment at the Bureau of...
Airboat Swamp Tour

Why Legislators Say Biden’s Energy Orders Will Devastate Louisiana’s Economy

Aside from saving Louisiana residents and businesses over $68 billion in energy costs, natural gas production in Louisiana has had a significant impact on...
Oil rig in Atlantic Ocean

The Rod Arquette Show with David Holt

CEA's David Holt appeared on The Rod Arquette Show to talk about the negative effects of oil and gas lease bans on federal lands...