CEA Mid-Atlantic

As a resurgent manufacturing hub and new energy producing region, the Mid-Atlantic is a key chapter for CEA. We work to get consumers, manufacturing interests, labor, and small businesses engaged in the ever-growing discussion on energy in states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

Gas Station

Issues and Ideas Radio Featuring Mike Butler

CEA's Mike Butler recently appeared on Issues and Ideas to discuss the impact high gas prices are having on energy consumers across Pennsylvania and what can...
New York City Skyline

New Yorkers Pay 44% More for Electric than Neighboring States

CEA's latest report, “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York,” which looked at how families across New York were impacted by infrastructure constraints was recently covered...
A couple paying their utility bills

Article of Interest: Pipelines and Their Benefits to New York

According to Consumer Energy Alliance's latest report  “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York,” New York's families and businesses are facing increased energy costs and...
Household Electric Bill

Cuomo Squeezing Family Budgets With Wrong Example on Energy Policy

CEA's David Holt discusses how families across New York have been negatively impacted by political games which have artificially increased energy prices across the...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

People Are Paying a Big Price for Governor Cuomo’s Political Assault on Energy

Coverage of CEA's latest report,  “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York”, detailing how families have suffered from higher energy costs and lost economic opportunities...
Family walking dog

CEA Releases 2018 Solar Energy Report; Finds Incentives Contributed Significantly to Solar Power Expansion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of Consumer Energy Alliance's (CEA) Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization today released a 2018 update to its 2016...
Father helping son on computer

Maryland Needs Affordable Energy

Even as Maryland's economy is growing and unemployment is falling, CEA's Mike Butler discusses the need for more access to affordable energy for Marylanders,...
Construction worker welding pipe

State of Natural Gas in New York

CEA's Mike Butler discusses New York energy costs and the importance of embracing an all-of-the-above energy policy, which includes modernizing energy infrastructure like pipeline,...
Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Mike Butler Interview with WRVO

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler recently sat down to talk about the importance of pipeline infrastructure to help decrease energy costs for New...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

CEA Mid-Atlantic Applauds Senate Approval of Energy Storage Resolution

PITTSBURGH, PA — Following the Pennsylvania Senate’s approval of a bipartisan resolution, S.R. 375, which calls on the U.S. Congress to support the development...