The Mid-Continent is not only rich in resources but is an area that refines most of our counties oil and natural gas. It is also home to Texas, which is the largest producer of wind power in the country.
David Holt, CEA’s President, discusses the importance of pipelines to Texas as the state begins to recover economically from the COVID-19 pandemic. As our economy slowly emerges from the staggering.
Consumer Energy Alliance’s Chris Ventura discussed the recently released report, “How Pipelines Can Spur Immediate Post-COVID Economic Recovery,” and how more than $13.6 billion in economic activity and over 66,000.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Delays, obstruction or cancellation of pipeline infrastructure projects are threatening at least $13.6 billion in economic activity, over 66,000 jobs and more than $280 million a year.
Consumer Energy Alliance’s David Holt recently spoke out against the moratorium on offshore energy exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and how it will impact Gulf States that allow responsible.
CEA’s recent report, “How Oil and Natural Gas Have Energized Oklahoma” was featured on the Radio Oklahoma Network. A report by the Consumer Energy Alliance says expanded pipeline infrastructure and.
Oklahoma City, OK — Thanks to increased production, expanded pipeline infrastructure and greater use of natural gas, Oklahoma families and businesses saved more than $18.6 billion between 2008 and 2018,.
CEA’s David Holt joined Newsradio AM 740 to talk about Hurricane Laura’s impact on refinery operations and what that might mean for energy consumers. Listen at – AM 740 KTRH
.Austin, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, released its Texas Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions have declined by.
CEA’s David Holt commented on the unprecedented shutdown of a legally permitted pipeline that has been safely delivering the energy which millions of families rely on to fuel their vehicles.
As states across the country begin to reopen, legislatures are grappling with high unemployment and busted budgets. CEA’s David Holt examines the importance of American energy to reviving our economy..