CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Group Discusses Energy in Relationship to Election

CEA's Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Natural Gas Growth Wonderful News for West Virginia

CEA's Chris Ventura recently commented on the series of one-sided articles published by Gazette-Mail ignoring the economic benefits families and businesses have seen as result...

Consumers Warn Regulations Will Drive up Cost

Energy Consumers joined federal and state elected officials in Columbus, OH on Monday at CEA-Midwest's Powering Our Future Forum to discuss Environmental Protection Agency...
Parents and child building blocks

Utica Shale’s Impact on Ohio Past 10 Years: $100 Billion!

CEA's recent report on the $40.2 billion in savings Ohio families and businesses have seen as a result of decreases in natural gas prices...

Thousands in Missouri Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Missouri Call for Approval of Keystone XL JEFFERSON CITY – Today the Missouri Trucking Association announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that...
Rail transportation tanker car

Start Building More Pipelines Now

Increasing domestic energy production is straining our current energy infrastructure, leading to increased prices and displacing agricultural products on railways.  CEA Midwest Executive Director...
Ethanol refinery with farm fields

Iowa’s Real Election Winners Are Farmers and Energy

CEA's Chris Ventura examines the importance of ethanol and to America's fuel security and how affordable natural gas is the key to lowering costs...
Electric Car Charging On Street

2018 Promises to Be a Year of Innovation in the Energy Sector

HOUSTON, TX – December 19, 2017 -- Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced today that advancements in new technology and innovation through techniques and materials...
Worker at construction site with rebar

Utilize Our Natural Resources

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discusses how areas across the state are witnessing higher levels of economic development and employment as a result...
Father helping son on computer

Consumer Advocate Releases Report on Missouri Grid Modernization Benefits and Needs

Jefferson City, MO — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a report titled, “Missouri Families, Small Businesses and Households Need a Modern, Upgraded Grid,”...