CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

EPA Air Quality Regulations Raise Concern

Washington, DC - Consumer Energy Alliance, an advocate for energy consumers, released the following statement today reacting to the Environmental Protection Agency proposing a 30% reduction...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Natural Gas Growth Wonderful News for West Virginia

CEA's Chris Ventura recently commented on the series of one-sided articles published by Gazette-Mail ignoring the economic benefits families and businesses have seen as result...
Manufacturing on the factory floor

Ohio Has Much at Stake in Michigan’s Pipeline Fight

CEA's independent report, The Regional Economic and Fiscal Impacts of an Enbridge Line 5 Shutdown, was recently citied examining the substantial economic impact and...
Shanghai China

World’s Dirtiest Cities List Raises Issue: Why Don’t Politicians Call Out China?

A new tally of global cities’ emissions finds that the top 25 are responsible for 52% of the planet’s urban greenhouse gas emissions. Twenty-three of...
Cars on the production line

Innovation Is Happening

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura looks at the innovation happening in our energy and manufacturing industries which have caused improvements in environmental quality...

Candidates Address State Energy, Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and...
Taconite Mine Along Lake Superior

The Lack of Critical Thinking on Critical Minerals Mining Threatens Our Future

As elected officials and policymakers continue to push for an energy transition, many neglect to ensure that the materials necessary - from cobalt and...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Report: Shale Saved Ohio Natural Gas Consumers More Than $40 Billion Over 10 Years

Recently, Consumer Energy Alliance released a report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, examining the impact natural gas production...

Consumer Group Speaks Out Against Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Ban

Chicago, IL – The Michigan State Board of Canvassers recently approved a six-month period of signature gathering for a petition by a radical environmental...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Consumer Energy Alliance Touts Shale Boom Energy Cost Savings for West Virginia Consumers

While at Shale Insight, CEA's Mike Butler had the opportunity to discuss one of CEA's most recent reports, "Powering West Virginia," with The Dominion Post. Shale gas talk usually...