CEA Southeast

The southeast is faced with new changes to the regions electricity generation portfolio mandated by federal rules and regulations, roadblocks to increased electricity generation from clean sources of power like nuclear, and opportunities in offshore wind and oil and natural gas exploration.  CEA Southeast wants to ensure the affordability and reliability of electricity and transportation fuels for all energy consumers.

Local Solar Industry Leaders Worried About Proposed KY Bill

With the Kentucky legislature considering updates to decades-old energy policy, CEA's Brydon Ross discussed the importance of competitive, fair rates to encourage solar energy...
Solar panel placement on roof

Misconceptions Abound on Private Solar Reform Effort in Kentucky

It has been 14 years since Kentucky's legislature has reviewed and updated solar energy policies.  CEA's Brydon Ross looks at how revising these policies will...
Seismic research vessel

Consumer Groups Expresses Appreciation of Meetings between Federal, State Officials over Offshore

RALEIGH, NC – Following meetings today between U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Governor Cooper, and legislative leaders in Raleigh today, Consumer Energy...

Gooch Bill Making Rooftop Solar More Costly Defended as a Boon to Low-income Consumers

With new legislation proposed to reform Kentucky's 14 year-old energy policies, CEA's Brydon Ross looks at the impact the legislation will have on solar...
Girl Picking Peaches

Sensible Energy Policy Helps Georgia Farmers, Families

Bryan Toler, President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council reflects on the importance of the Campaign for America's Energy to support the affordable, reliable energy...
Solar panel installation on roof

Kentucky Lawmakers Consider Bill That Would Scale Back Solar Incentives

CEA's Brydon Ross recently testified in support of legislation which ensures the sustainable growth of solar energy in Kentucky. Over time, the structure used to...
Laborers working on pipeline

State Approves Gas Pipeline

CEA's David Holt discusses the importance of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for North Carolinian's and how it will provide more opportunities for families and...
Mom with two young children

Consumer Group Applauds North Carolina Approval of Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Connelly Springs, NC — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement today after the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality...
North Carolina in Winter

Consumer Watchdog Calls on Southeast Policymakers to Expand Energy Development and Infrastructure as Bottlenecks...

CONNELLY SPRINGS, N.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today called on policymakers and regulators in the U.S. Southeast to better protect working families, seniors...
Family Walking in the Park

Stand up for Fair Solar Access in Kentucky

The Kentucky legislature is voting on legislation - called HB 227 - which will protect electricity costs for you, your family, senior citizens, low-income families, and...