CEA Southeast

The southeast is faced with new changes to the regions electricity generation portfolio mandated by federal rules and regulations, roadblocks to increased electricity generation from clean sources of power like nuclear, and opportunities in offshore wind and oil and natural gas exploration.  CEA Southeast wants to ensure the affordability and reliability of electricity and transportation fuels for all energy consumers.

Family at the Ocean

Comprehensive Energy Policy Helps All Floridians

Brewster Bevis of the Associated Industries of Florida examines how the wrong energy policies enacted at the state and federal level can harm Florida's...
Two steel construction workers welding metal

Expanding Oil, Gas Leasing in Gulf Good for Mississippi

With the federal government evaluating new areas for offshore energy exploration, CEA's Link Browder discusses how elected officials from all parties need to be...
resting after a workout in the park

Support Push for American Energy Dominance

From agribusiness to airlines, every aspect of Georgia's economy depends on energy. Our lawmakers should continue to support the push for American energy dominance,...
Family at the Ocean

National Hispanic Energy Policy Council Launches at Puerto Rican Summit in Orlando

ORLANDO, FL – The National Hispanic Energy Policy Council launched on Friday to advocate for affordable, reliable energy and highlight the outsized energy burden...
Friends grilling

Now Looking to the Issues

Kevin Doyle, Executive Director of CEA Florida, talks about the necessity of supporting the energy needs of Floridians by ensuring a diverse, affordable supply...

Fla. Leaders See Opportunity in Keystone XL Pipeline

TALLAHASSEE, FL – In the first of a series of “Finish the Job” events across the United States, this morning Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA)...
Seismic research vessel

Consumer Groups Expresses Appreciation of Meetings between Federal, State Officials over Offshore

RALEIGH, NC – Following meetings today between U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Governor Cooper, and legislative leaders in Raleigh today, Consumer Energy...

Loss of Drilling, Titan Leaves Cape Fear’s Industrial Future Open-ended

CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley discusses the loss of jobs and income that results from banning offshore energy exploration. Pro-drilling groups have lambasted the...

U.S. Climate Summit Provides Opportunity to Highlight American Leadership in Reducing Emissions, Leading Consumer...

Washington DC – Following the Biden Administration’s release of new national commitments to emissions reductions as part of the U.S.-hosted international Climate Summit, Consumer...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Most Voters in Three Mid-Atlantic States Back Pipelines, Poll Says

CEA recently conducted a poll on energy and infrastructure development which received wide media coverage. Majorities of voters in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina...