Regional Chapters

Solar panel installation on roof

Solar Reduces Energy Costs

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle recently had an op-ed in the Miami Herald regarding CEA's solar incentive analysis. Solar energy is clean, reliable, increasingly affordable, and thanks to...

Roads are just as important as energy to the Texas economy

Writing in the Midland Reporter-Telegram, CEA friend, Jim Nelson of Warren CAT calls attention to the importance of roads and transportation funding to the...
Two engineers in front of large refinery

Drilling for Savings

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura was interviewed about the recently released report,  The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job...

Voters Gather to Say ‘Yes’ to Offshore Alaskan Energy Development

In front a crowd of supporters holding up signs that read “OCS YES!”, energy consumers, producers, and business leaders from across Alaska came together...

Federal Gov’t Must Move Forward with Arctic Exploration: New Environmental Analysis Shows It Can...

  Last week, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management issued a Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement (SEIS) for Chukchi Offshore Oil & Gas Lease Sale...
Mississippi River Boat

Mississippi Made Great Strides in 2017

CEA's Link Browder reflected on how Mississippi policy makers set the stage for economic growth by supporting policies that ensured energy affordability for families...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

White House Touts Clean Energy Economy, but Oil and Gas Experts Skeptical

CEA President David Holt sat down with KTRH to discuss the importance of supplying more American oil and natural gas to help ease the...
Older farmer on a tractor

Keystone XL Is a Must-have for Nebraska — and Its Farmers

Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, Michael Whatley, appeared in the Grand Island Independent news to discuss the benefits of pipeline infrastructure, particularly...
Arctic shipping and recreational boats

CEA Poll Shows South Carolina Voters Support Arctic Energy Development

85 Percent Say Energy Policy Will Play a Key Role in 2016 Election Key Takeaways: Voters in South Carolina favor Arctic energy production by 38...
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Gas and Solar Together Benefit Pittsburgh Airport

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto recently trashed investments in shale as putting money into “a 19th-century industry that costs us the opportunity to bring 21st-century industry...