19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Outrageous Gas Prices in California

The White House would have you believe that the 180 million barrels of oil President Biden ordered released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is a big deal. Prices at.

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week 03252022

The White House invited executives from an array of U.S. industries and businesses, including energy, food, and banks, to discuss ongoing supply chain issues and ways to lessen the economic.

Man on Bicycle

In its latest International Energy Outlook 2021, the U.S. Energy Information Administration stated “global energy consumption will increase nearly 50% over the next 30 years. Although petroleum and other liquid.

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week 03182022

As Ukrainians enter their third week of fighting to defend their country from Russian occupiers, American GOP Senators are attempting ban Russian oil imports by adding language to a House-passed.

Traffic in the City

It’s been all but accepted now that our nation’s energy mix will evolve from relying completely on traditional sources of fuel to incorporating more renewables and cleaner energy sources. What’s.

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week 02212022

Energy affordability is continuing to be a critical issue as American consumers feel pain at the pump and are receiving higher energy bills amid winter storms. On Tuesday, President Biden.

City traffic in Detroit Michigan

As inflation – especially in higher energy and food bills – climbs and COVID-19 endures, Americans increasingly are realizing how their everyday lives have changed. This new reality also appears.

Welder welding stainless steel big pipe

Everywhere around us, improving technologies are changing the way we live and work. It’s also changing how we communicate with friends, family, and neighbors. Many people automatically think that the.

Grand Ledge Michigan

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer claims she is “committed to ensuring small businesses can thrive” and “continue growing Michigan’s economy.” She relayed that assertion to a small-business owner in Flint whose.

Semi Truck Crossing the Mackinaw Bridge

Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania were added to a recent report we commissioned at Consumer Energy Alliance, which found these states would see a combined $20.8 billion economic loss if Michigan.