
Hydropower: The Hidden Gem of Renewable Energy Generation

As the latest energy and climate debate continue, Consumer Energy Alliance remains an advocate for shining light on the challenges ahead for implementing various...

Notable in Energy News

Oil Shockwaves From U.S. Shale Boom Seen by IEA Ousting OPEC: Bloomberg News on Tuesday reportedon a new International Energy Agency (IEA) assessment that concludes the...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – September 3

Hurricane Ida made headlines all throughout this week for the devastation she left behind in Louisiana, Mississippi and even through the Northeast. Millions of...
Detroit Michigan Downtown Neighborhood

Energy Justice: Ensuring Our Energy Policy Creates Just Results

Did you know we have an energy justice czar? Shalanda Baker is the first-ever federal official advising and coordinating these policies as the new...
Offshore wind-farm with transfer vessel

McAuliffe Joins OCS Govs. Coalition

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe today became the first Democrat to join the OCS Governors Coalition, strengthening ongoing planning efforts between U.S. Governors and the...

Straight Talk on Keystone XL

TransCanada, the operator of the Keystone pipeline system, released the Straight Talking VIdeo Series to better inform people about the Keystone XL Pipeline. Straight...

More thoughts on keeping energy jobs – and all jobs in America

In a week that saw a major, positive breakthrough in the country’s offshore drilling policy, the stories of energy jobs moving overseas just keep...
Family Watching Football

Traditional Energy’s Huge Role in This Year’s Super Bowl

The Kansas City Chiefs have secured the title of Super Bowl LIV Champions, an achievement that they haven’t been able to boast about since...
Pennsylvania Avenue and United States Capitol

Federal Affairs Update Tackles Bipartisan Infrastructure Package Confusion

As updates trickle in over the status on the bipartisan infrastructure package and the reconciliation bill tied to it, CEA has received numerous inquiries...

Top 5 Podcasts in Energy This Week

Reading. You either love it or you hate it. Maybe you read all day for work, so by the time you get home you...