19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


In The Media

Mom cooking with children

CEA’s recent report, “How Oil and Natural Gas Have Energized Oklahoma” was featured on the Radio Oklahoma Network. A report by the Consumer Energy Alliance says expanded pipeline infrastructure and.

Putting gas in car

CEA’s David Holt joined Newsradio AM 740 to talk about Hurricane Laura’s impact on refinery operations and what that might mean for energy consumers. Listen at – AM 740 KTRH

Mother and son saving money in a piggybank

As companies look to move their supply chains back to America, CEA’s David Holt reflects on the import role of affordable and reliable energy for businesses and families. Case in.

Welder in manufacturing facility

CEA’s David Holt discusses the importance of energy production in the United States and the necessity of our domestically produced energy to bringing critical industries back home. We must have.

Worker at construction site with rebar

CEA’s research on Ohio’s natural gas cost savings for consumers was recently highlighted in a piece discussing how lower energy prices coupled with Ohio energy production is creating new opportunities.

Wilson Dam in Alabama

CEA’s Kaitlin Schmidtke examines how Gulf Coast energy is essential to Alabama’s economic recovery. For instance, studies conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) indicate that wind energy may.

Propane Tanks in the Winter

With more than 250,000 Wisconsinites depending on propane for home heating and thousands of farmers dependent on propane for frying crops, it is essential our energy infrastructure continues to deliver.

Mother preparing healthy food lunch boxes for children in kitchen

CEA Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Butler examines the important role pipelines play in transporting the essential energy resources New Jersey needs to jump-start the state’s economy and keep energy bills low.

Cars on the production line

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura looks at the innovation happening in our energy and manufacturing industries which have caused improvements in environmental quality while providing family-sustaining wages for Ohioans..

Albuquerque New Mexico skyline, mountains, and clouds

CEA’s Matt Gonzales looks at how New Mexico’s traditional energy resources are able to complement the proposed construction of new wind energy resources across the state. If ever there was.