In The Media

Keystone XL and Environmentalism

Listen to CEA's Vice President for Policy, Natalie Joubert, talk about the benefits of Keystone XL, and the interaction between energy production and environmental...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

Chamber of Commerce Hosts Pipeline Expert

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler was covered by WJPA as he spoke about the importance of pipelines for the Washington County Chamber of...
Construction worker with rebar

The Anti-“Keep It In The Ground” Campaign

David Holt was featured in the Daily Caller on the implications the "Keep It In the Ground" movement will have on the prices consumers...

Nashville U.S. Rep. Headlines CEA Southeast Forum

The Tennessean: U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn slams EPA over new emissions limits She says new rules hamper businesses Before a gathering of business leaders and energy company...

Promote, don’t hinder, safe and responsible energy production

An op-ed by Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt in the San Angelo Standard-Times details the economic growth in the counties south of Refugio, Texas, as...

Coverage of the Powering Our Future Forum – Nashville

From The Tennessean U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn slams EPA over new emissions limits She says new rules hamper businesse Written by Duane W. Gang The Tennessean Before a gathering of business...

Waldeck: Sustainable policy: S.C. player in energy future

As South Carolinians kick off this spring, they will likely start thinking about the summer season, vacation plans, and their potential energy costs. From...

Offshore oil is Alaska’s lifeline: Federal hearings bypass Interior Alaska’s voices

By: Dave Harbour The Alaska House Resources Committee recently heard truck drivers, oil field workers and small business owners testify about Alaska’s poor...
Solar energy farm

The Solar Industry Cashes in on Government Subsidies

Consumer Energy Alliance's solar incentive analysis was featured in an op-ed by North Carolina State Rep. Chris Millis. Imagine for a moment you are a North...
Solar energy farm

Florida Amendment Votes Put Solar in the Spotlight

Consumer Energy Alliance's solar incentive analysis was featured in an article in the Sun Sentinel. Solar energy is getting more attention than ever in Florida thanks...