In The Media

Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Don’t Let Big Green Fool You with Proposition 112

CEA's Emily Haggstrom discusses how Proposition 112, which is an attempt to ban energy development in Colorado, will cause the state to lose up...
Pipeline welder

Line 5 Tunnel Project Best Bet for Michigan

With Michigan looking forward to an economic recovery as the state begins reopening, grandstanding politicians continue to impede putting Americans back to work, rebuilding...
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Lake Okeechobee: Why Water Level Matters to South Florida

Activists have bullied the Army Corps of Engineers to lower Lake Okeechobee's water levels. The idea comes from preventing the spread of algal blooms,...
Amendment 1

Amendment 1 Good for State’s Economy

Saturday is just a few days away, and whether you're headed to the big game or not, don't forget to get out and vote!...
Colorado Energy & Manufacturing Forum 2017

Congressman Tipton Speaks at Energy and Manufacturing Forum

Consumer Energy Alliance's Rockies chapter has been educating energy consumers across the state with forums like the one held in Grand Junction to see...
Raleigh, North Carolina

What you’re saying: “Oil and Gas is Vital”

CEA's Brydon Ross discusses how North Carolina's families are impacted when offshore energy development when modern, scientific surveys are banned. While Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA)...
Child outside with campfire

Rolling Blackouts Possible This Winter, Regional Grid Warns

As New Englanders get ready for the harsh winter months ahead, the regional grid operator has already warned rolling blackouts may be possible.  With...
DAPL Protests

Protesting Pipelines Is Becoming A Growing ‘Industry’

Stories about groups protesting the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines in the recent past remain in the minds of many, as their headlines once...
Linemen Working on Transformer

Support Solidifies for Wisconsin Power Line Construction Bill

Chris Ventura, CEA Midwest Executive Director spoke with Daily Energy Insider on the necessity to ensure electric transmission infrastructure can be built on time and...
Grandparent helping with homework

Coloradans’ Votes Don’t Matter to State’s Democratic Leaders

Consumer Energy Alliance's report, The Importance of Affordable and Abundant Oil and Natural Gas for Colorado, on the savings Colorado's families and businesses have...