CEA’s Kaitlin Schmidtke explores how additional energy development can help offer stability to farmers across the state, who spend about 30% of their annual expenses on energy each year. There.
Engaging consumers from families to businesses about the future of energy is an important part of our mission at CEA. Supporting programs that will bring innovation and investment in clean-teach.
CEA’s David Holt looks at how vital infrastructure and energy projects have been unnecessarily halted due to extreme activist groups resulting in job losses and a lack of economic growth.
Even as Maryland’s economy is growing and unemployment is falling, CEA’s Mike Butler discusses the need for more access to affordable energy for Marylanders, who spend an average of $2,925.
CEA’s Kaitlin Schmidtke discusses how recent court rulings against anti-development activists have set the stage for positive economic growth and environmental sustainability in Louisiana. By allowing this project to continue,.
CEA’s Mike Butler looks at how New York’s politicians are closing the door on providing families affordable energy as moratoriums on natural gas are announced due to constrained energy infrastructure..
CEA’s Kevin Doyle outlines how calls to ban offshore drilling may hurt Florida’s economy and households, already struggling to afford $2500 in energy bills annually. Advocating for an energy plan.
CEA’s Chris Ventura and West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association’s Anne Blankenship discuss how developing West Virginia’s natural resources has had a positive economic impact on the region and.
Mike Butler, CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director, reviews the benefits shale gas has brought to residents across Pennsylvania. Any suggestion that the shale gas industry is under-taxed is false. According to.
CEA’s Michael Zehr discussed the consumer impact of the Green New Deal with households across the country requiring over $244 billion just to replace appliances to meet the Green New.