The American political landscape is deeply divided, but Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt, describes why energy issues should be a platform for unity. For many Americans, energy costs can.
CEA’s President David Holt testified before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources during a legislative hearing on a discussion draft of the “Strengthening the Economy with Critical Untapped Resources.
Craig Stevens of Grow America’s Infrastructure Now cited Consumer Energy Alliance while explaining the undeniable safety record of pipelines compared to traditional transport methods. After decades of research, modern oil.
CEA’s Brydon Ross told the Interim Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Energy that private credits given to solar customers who participate in programs like net metering–which gives retail credit.
Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt appeared in RealClear Energy news to describe CEA’s all-of-the-above solution for meeting the energy needs of every American. Did you know that oil and.
CEA’s Chris Ventura explains the benefits Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement project would offer to all Minnesota consumers, including industrial producers and low income families. Consumer Energy Alliance represents more than.
Since the latest recession, Michigan has almost fully recovered the majority of the manufacturing jobs it lost. Yet, University of Michigan economists are predicting that these jobs may not last.
A public hearing was held for the proposed Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Project at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center on Wednesday afternoon. The Minnesota portion of the pipeline would run.
All signs are pointing to the makings of a U.S. manufacturing renaissance, and the U.S. shale boom is a clear contributor. According to recent reports, U.S. manufacturing is expanding at.
Last year, Colorado ranked 11th of all states for installed solar capacity – which is excellent progress. This progress has been achieved by the hard work and dedication of policymakers.