In The Media

Elementary school kids climbing on to a school bus

More Compromise Needed in Energy Policy

CEA's Tim Page talks about how energy availability and affordability effect all energy consumers - from families to small businesses - and what we...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Why It’s Essential That PA Build Mariner East 2

Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA-MidAtlantic recently penned an op-ed on the importance of Mariner East 2 for energy consumers. Investing in our energy infrastructure,...
Manufacturing worker in a factory

Pennsylvania – Greater Philadelphia Sees Energy Jobs Soar

Pennsylvania - The Greater Philadelphia energy market has seen an uptrend in both jobs and manufacturing. The region will benefit from continued growth across...
Construction Workers Cutting Plywood

It’s Time to Stop Playing Politics With Our Pocketbooks

Tim Page, Consumer Energy Alliance Southeast's Executive Director recently discussed how offshore energy exploration can help grow South Carolina's coastal economy and reduce the...
Electric meters for apartment building

President Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Two New FERC Members

CEA President David Holt discussed the importance of ensuring an efficient confirmation process to provide the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a quorum. “FERC plays a...
Winter Driving

David Holt on the Financial Exchange Radio Show

David Holt joined Barry Armstrong to discuss how families hitting the road for the holiday season are continuing to see extended savings from American...
Charlotte North Carolina

Summer Driving Season Begins This Weekend

While summer is still another month away, nearly 43 million Americans are expected to jump start their travel season this Memorial Day weekend. Hear...
Oil Workers Climb a Rig

Virginia Senate Reviews Fracking Ban Bill

Virginia - Fracking has gotten a bad reputation, despite many studies over several years proving that it is a safe and healthy process for...

Obama’s position on drilling is a start

The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. April 8, 2010   While I...
Semi truck on open road

Time for Congress to Reform the Renewable Fuel Standard

With renewed debate on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), CEA's David Holt discusses how Congress's failure to review the standard has negatively affected America's...