
Offshore oil rig at sunset

A New Federal Posture Seeks to Lower Barriers to Offshore Exploration and Production

With the recent conclusion of the Offshore Technology Conference, CEA's Brent Greenfield provided his thoughts on how we can continue the American energy renaissance...

David Holt: Pipeline Would Help U.S. Energy Security

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...

Matching actions with intent

This week in energy we have watched gas prices reach a new two-year high along with lots of concern, speculation and fear that prices...
Family cooking breakfast

This Week in South Florida: Kevin Doyle

This week, CEA's Kevin Doyle sat down with Local 10 News to talk about Florida energy policies that can bring affordable costs and reliable...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

The Biden Administration’s Aimless Energy Policy Is Gambling With America’s Economy

With energy prices rising to unsustainable levels, CEA President David Holt looks at the ineffective political policies that are continuing to drive prices higher...
Minneapolis, Minnesota from Stone Arch Bridge

Minnesota Should Avoid Germany’s Energy Mistakes

Chris Ventura, Midwest Director of Consumer Energy Alliance warns against Minnesota adopting a German energy policy. The German energy plan, "energywiende" has been dubbed...
Laborers working on pipeline

Largest National Energy Consumer Group Reacts to President Biden’s Keystone XL Cancellation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to today’s action by President Joe Biden canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the...

Winter is Coming. Are you Ready?

It’s hard to believe it but November is here and that means winter is right around the corner.  This time of year often means...
Inside view of a pipeline

Consumer Energy Group Applauds the Administration for Continuing its Review of the Line 3...

Minneapolis, MN – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura, following today’s joint statement by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MNPCA) and...

A Campaign Worthy of a Toast

CEA Board Member Jennifer Diggins discussed the Know the Value campaign. Want to know a secret ingredient to making amazing craft beer? Colorado energy production. Read...