
Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

Zinke Orders Revamp of 2017-2022 OCS Oil, NatGas Leasing, Appoints Energy Counselor

CEA recently hosted Sec. Zinke at the Offshore Technology Conference to further the discussion on how energy consumers are impacted by offshore energy exploration. Borrowing...
Shopping for a refrigerator

It’s About Changing Your Lifestyle

As our country is embroiled in debates over energy, it’s important to remember - it’s not just what you use - it’s how you...

What’s needed to keep American energy jobs in America

Everyone who works in renewable energy – or American manufacturing for that matter – let out a collective sigh of “What is the world...

EIA Annual Report Points to Good News for U.S. Economy, Energy Consumers

Last month, the Energy Information Agency (EIA), an independent federal agency that collects, analyzes and disseminates impartial energy data, released its Annual Energy Outlook...
Riding Bus in Rain

Latest Energy Tool Isn’t the One Poverty-Stricken Americans Need

David Holt, President of CEA, takes a look at the impact higher energy costs have on families living below the poverty line, and what...
pipeline staging yard

CEA shares insight at Norfolk Keystone XL pipeline meeting

The Norfolk Daily News reports on insights shared by CEA’s Michael Whatley, one of three experts to speak at the Norfolk Area Chamber of Commerce...
Offshore oil rig with workers

What They’re Saying About U.S. Offshore Energy

CEA's Kevin Doyle was recently quoted talking about the importance of American offshore energy exploration to the state of Florida. “With innovation, technology and human...

CEA Issues Statement Following President Obama’s Morning Press Conference

Statement from CEA executive vice president Michael Whatley in response to President Obama's press conference today: “We would hope that raising taxes on American drivers...

Consumer Group Speaks Out Against Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Ban

Chicago, IL – The Michigan State Board of Canvassers recently approved a six-month period of signature gathering for a petition by a radical environmental...
Baltimore Maryland

Let Offshore Oil, Natural Gas Boost Families, Businesses

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the opportunities offshore energy exploration will create for families and businesses across the region. With customers in Maryland...