Last week, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management issued a Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement (SEIS) for Chukchi Offshore Oil & Gas Lease Sale 193, north of Alaska. The.
HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Kentucky Oil & Gas Association as its newest affiliate member. The Kentucky Oil and Gas Association (“KOGA”) is the.
The electricity mix in this country is changing: we’re using less coal, more natural gas and more renewable energy, and we’re learning how to use this electricity more efficiently. These.
Twenty five thousand people turned out Saturday, along with more than 70 exhibitors, to applaud dozens of Houston area teachers and students who were recognized at the fourth annual Energy.
Houston Students to Experience Underwater Robots, Freezing Experiments, Scientific Magic Shows and Much More at Upcoming 2014 Energy Day Festival From Shattering Food and Objects Frozen with Liquid Nitrogen to.
Westminster, Colo. – Candidates vying for top office in Colorado told the Colorado Energy Forum on Tuesday that its state can find sensible ways to develop its energy resources. U.S..
HOUSTON, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance voter polls conducted in three states with pivotal U.S. Senate races finds strong support for allowing oil and natural gas drilling in U.S. waters.
HOUSTON, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance voter polls conducted in three states with pivotal U.S. Senate races finds strong support for allowing oil and natural gas drilling in U.S. waters.
HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Torch Energy Solutions as its newest affiliate member. Torch Energy Solutions is an innovative web platform where consumers can name.