Atlanta, GA – Leaders from key consumer groups, businesses, seniors, and labor and public officials from the nation’s southeast region today convened a press conference with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA).
More than 125,000 US consumers support a robust offshore energy development program. Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) and its partner organizations have submitted these comments to the U.S. Bureau of Ocean.
Denver, Co. – Leaders from key consumer groups, businesses, seniors, and labor and public officials from the nation’s western region today convened a press conference with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA).
Consumer groups caution EPA to not move too fast or risk price spikes. Elected leaders, key consumer groups, businesses, and representatives from organized labor joined with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA).
In an op-ed penned for The Republican, CEA President David Holt discusses the dramatic change needed for energy consumers in the region and why opposition to projects like Northern Pass.
Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance Exec. VP Michael Whatley raised concerns the Supreme Court decision to deny a request to review the judgment made by the U.S. Court of.
HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Texas Association of Manufacturers as its newest affiliate member. The Texas Association of Manufacturers (TAM) represents over 450 large.
Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), an organization that advocates for energy consumers, today released 10 tips for energy consumers to save money on summer energy bills. Record high.
Washington, DC – Consumer Energy Alliance, an advocate for energy consumers, released the following statement today reacting to the Environmental Protection Agency proposing a 30% reduction in carbon emissions from.
Houston, TX – One of the nation’s leading energy and risk management experts, Brian Welch, joins the Consumer Energy Alliance nine person board of directors, the organization’s President, David Holt,.