Press Releases

Gov. Parnell Has Plan for Exploring ANWR Resources

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance supports Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s plan to apply for an oil and gas “exploration plan” in the 1002 area...

Oil & Gas Producers Join Truckers For Improved Road Safety

Consumer group helps form industry taskforce to improve collaboration and safety HOUSTON, April 23, 2013 – Oil and gas companies have joined forces with the trucking...

CEA President Addresses RDC-Alaska Annual Meeting

Watch CEA President David Holt address RDC's 38th Annual Meeting Luncheon which took place on June 26th in Anchorage, AK. June 26 RDC Annual Meeting...

U.S. Rep. Cárdenas Visits CEA Members

CEA Hosts Congressman Cárdenas at Monthly Meeting: CEA on Thursday hosted U.S. Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) at its monthly membership meeting in Washington, DC.  The...

B-List Celebrities Won’t Sway Commander in Chief on KXL

Houston, TX - Consumer Energy Alliance Executive VP Michael Whatley reacted with skepticism to reports B-List Hollywood celebrities were pleading with the president to...
Columbia South Carolina

At Energy & Opportunity Forum Newt Gingrich Will Unveil Plan on How South Carolina...

Myrtle Beach, S.C. – Southeast Energy Alliance estimates two-thousand new jobs and $45 billion in new federal, state and local revenue can be generated...

Build the Keystone XL Pipeline; CEA and AIF Say “We Need it Now”

 ~ Consumer Energy Alliance and Associated Industries of Florida gather more than 27,000 comments from Floridians supportive of the pipeline~ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Consumer Energy...

CEA: State Department Should Approve Keystone XL for Economic & Security Benefits

CEA today urged the Obama Administration to swiftly approve the Keystone XL pipeline given the large economic and national security benefits the project will...

Report Card Shows Safety of Offshore Drilling Greatly Increased

Report card highlights the significant advancements achieved in offshore development by the oil and natural gas industry which are protecting our environment and helping...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Northrim Bank

HOUSTON–Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Northrim Bank as its newest affiliate member. Northrim is highly engaged in the Alaska economy, both...