Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds Leadership on SECURE American Energy Act


WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today issued the below statement prior to the House Natural Resources Committee markup of a bipartisan energy bill entitled the SECURE American Energy Act (HR 4239). Holt appeared before the committee yesterday to testify on the benefits to families and businesses surrounding the significant increases in safety, technology, and innovation on U.S. federal lands and waters.

“In recent years, we have observed that the dialogue around energy has become increasingly polarized. Instead of Americans having to choose between protecting the environment or meeting our energy needs, our great nation can – and must – do both, and the bipartisan SECURE American Energy Act helps lead us in that direction.

“Everyday citizens – regardless of political affiliation, demographics or socioeconomic background – are profoundly impacted by energy policy. For example, economists consider energy ‘affordable’ when a household spends roughly six percent of its income on energy uses. Yet, households living below the federal poverty level often spend more than 30 percent of their income on energy.

“Since energy is a key economic driver, we believe that a true all-of-the-above, robust, sensible energy policy will create jobs, improve our economy and support our manufacturing sector.

“We thank Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT), Chairman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Vincente González (D-TX), and others, for showing tremendous leadership by introducing the SECURE American Energy Act. As this legislation moves forward in today’s markup, we commend the House Natural Resources Committee for leading Congress towards increased jobs, economic growth and energy security for our country.”

Click here for full coverage of yesterday hearing:

Click here for a transcript of CEA’s prepared and submitted remarks: 


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Let’s Talk About Energy Without Injecting Politics

Taxis in New York City

The American political landscape is deeply divided, but Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt, describes why energy issues should be a platform for unity. For many Americans, energy costs can break a budget, and bad policy leaves energy development projects incomplete – including oil, gas, solar, and wind. While partisan politics threaten to divide us, Holt explains, all Americans benefit from good energy policies.

In a divided nation, where partisan politics seems to be becoming the norm, there is one issue that can unite all Americans across the political spectrum. That issue is energy.

Whether we are Republicans, Democrats, independents, conservatives, liberals or moderates, it is safe to say we want to be warm in the winter, cool in the summer, use the lights when we need them, charge our electronics, and make sure our appliances are up and running at home. And when we’re rushing off to work, dropping off our kids at school or at practice, we want to be able to afford the price of a tank of gas.

Across the country, we are spending an annual average of $3,512 per person on energy, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). With the average worker making $48,664 per year, the things we all want – and need – are currently not that attainable for everyone.

Read More – Newsmax Finance


Consumer Energy Alliance and Port of New Orleans Co-Host Gulf Energy Forum, Address Louisiana’s Energy Impact

New Orleans Louisiana City Corner

NEW ORLEANS, LA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) and the Port of New Orleans co-hosted the 2017 Gulf Energy Forum in New Orleans yesterday, drawing a mix of federal officials, state legislative leaders and members of the business and conservation communities to discuss the new federal offshore energy leasing program currently under development, and how opportunities to expand access to Gulf of Mexico energy would benefit families and businesses in Louisiana.

The group discussed how rational thoughtful energy and environmental strategies involving the Gulf of Mexico could provide opportunities not only for the state but for the region and nation as we look to continue diversifying our energy mix.

Forum panelists included:

  • Mike Celata, Gulf of Mexico Region Director, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
  • State Senator Norbèrt “Norby” Chabert, Chairman, Natural Resources Committee
  • Chett Chiasson, Executive Director, Greater Lafourche Port Commission
  • David Cresson, Executive Director & CEO, Coastal Conservation Association of Louisiana
  • Vic Lafont, CEO, South Louisiana Economic Council
  • Stephen Waguespack, President & CEO, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry

Brent Greenfield, CEA’s Vice President for Policy, said: “The Gulf of Mexico remains an economic and energy powerhouse for the region and the nation. With new actions currently underway in Washington, we now have an opportunity to continue, and even expand, the benefits we all receive from the Gulf of Mexico, which is a source of abundant energy, recreation and sustenance for Louisianans and all Americans.”

He added: “From jobs and household budgets to personal security and the security of our nation, the ability to access American energy, especially from the Gulf of Mexico, effects every facet of our lives – and nowhere is this more understood than in Louisiana.”

Celata underscored the region’s importance, stating, “The Gulf of Mexico is – and will – remain a crown jewel.”

Stephen Waguespack added: “The country is depending on the Gulf of Mexico to fuel them to a level that allows for American prosperity to be great.” Waguespack also noted the importance of a “smart U.S. energy policy” that promotes Gulf of Mexico energy. “The Gulf of Mexico is the best attraction we’ve got going right now to bring large-scale investments into Louisiana that not just benefit our state budget and incomes but also feed the very thing we need to grow, which is our small businesses.”

He added: “Louisiana is a services-based economy. That’s every service you can think of – grocery stores, caterers, warehouses, truckers, pipelines, and hardware stores – all of which makes up the backbone of Louisiana growth. Those backbones depend on large-scale investment in the state to service, and the energy industry has been the best and most consistent and loyal partner we’ve had from a service-based economy traditionally and we need more of it going forward.”

Following a discussion on challenges to energy service and support-based industries, Waguespack stated these companies are looking for a “ray of light.” He believes an “aggressive leasing plan in the Gulf of Mexico is exactly the signal they’re looking for.”

Noting Louisiana’s other economic driver, Vic Lafont stated, “We are an energy state, but we’re also a sportsman’s paradise. We have the immense benefit of having this energy production, but we also share the environmental stewardship that goes along with that.”

Regarding the benefits of offshore energy revenue for Louisiana’s infrastructure, Chett Chiasson noted these funds are “the lifeline for the State of Louisiana, and it takes offshore oil and gas development to get the royalties to help rebuild our coast and build the critical infrastructure that’s impacted by coastal land loss.” To this point, Senator Norbèrt “Norby” Chabert added: “We need to be producing out in the Gulf for not only the men and women that service all of the offshore activity, but certainly for those valued revenues to come into the state’s coffers so we can help rebuild our coast.”

Louisiana’s offshore energy is also critical for preserving the state’s natural resources. David Cresson noted the economic and environmental benefits the energy industry generates for Louisiana fisheries (including energy-related artificial reef habitat), stating, “There is no better conservation partner than the energy sector. There are the obvious economic impacts…it goes without saying that when energy is doing well in Louisiana, people have more dollars in their pocket, they go fishing more, they buy more boats, they buy more seafood, marinas do well, boat shops do well, restaurants and lodges are doing well. That all goes without saying.”

Cresson added, “But there’s a second piece to this that folks don’t necessarily always connect, and it is that conservation partnership between the fisheries industry and the energy sector, and a lot of it has to do with habitat.”

Looking at trends predicting a two billion global population increase by 2050, Senator Chabert emphasized, “We’re going to need an all-hands-on-deck approach. We’re going to need renewables. We’re going to need alternatives. We’re going to need energy resources that we may not have even have discovered, and I hope we discover them out there in the Gulf of Mexico. But it’s going to be important for states like Louisiana and Texas to innovate, and for this state particularly, to meet the growing challenges that we face in terms of infrastructure investment and workforce needs.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Bipartisan SECURE American Energy Act Advances to Markup

US Capitol Building

CEA’s President David Holt testified before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources during a legislative hearing on a discussion draft of the “Strengthening the Economy with Critical Untapped Resources to Expand American Energy Act” or “SECURE American Energy Act.” The bipartisan SECURE American Energy Act overhauls resource management practices on federal lands to promote expanded exploration, development, and production of oil, gas and wind energy.

President of the Consumer Energy Alliance David Holt tailored his testimony to the forgotten voices of the national energy discussion – families and small businesses – who are deeply impacted by energy policy and production.

[T]oo much of our national discussion appears to try and divide into a forced choice between protecting the environment or meeting our energy needs,Holt stated. “We fundamentally disagree with this argument. Our great nation can, and must, meet our environmental challenges and our energy needs.

[E]nergy is a key economic driver in the United States, and a robust, sensible energy policy will create jobs, improve our economy and support our manufacturing sector,” Holt added.

Read More – House Committee on Natural Resources


Voice Your Support for Modernizing Minnesota’s Energy Infrastructure

Playing in Snow

It is  critical that Line 3 is replaced and upgraded to continue to meet the energy needs for families, seniors, households, motorists, and businesses across Minnesota.  Voice your support for Line 3 today!

Upgrading Line 3 will provide tremendous economic benefits with over $2.1 billion in new investment and over $330 million in new payroll for workers in Minnesota.  Local communities that rely on tax dollars provided by the pipeline to help fund schools, roads, and first responders would also see significant new revenues for construction and related activities. And, according to a study by the University of Minnesota Duluth, the Line 3 Replacement project will create 8,600 jobs – with 76 percent being local.

Join Minnesotans from across the state as we work together to modernize Minnesota and maintain our energy infrastructure.

Scott Ek
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
121 7th Place East, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55101

RE: Docket # 14-916 and Docket # 15-137

Dear Commissioners,

Minnesotans like myself know that Line 3 is critical for not only transporting energy, but also for the well-being of citizens across our state. Line 3 helps keep our fuel costs low for families while providing the most environmentally safe way to transport energy through our state.

We all remember when fuel prices rose in 2008 along with the great recession, causing us to make tough choices – like choosing which bills to pay and being able to afford doing things we once took for granted. We cannot risk going down that road again. As the Department of Commerce stated in their expert testimony, decommissioning Line 3 without a replacement will cause fuel prices to increase once again.

By replacing Line 3, our state will also see an investment in family-supporting jobs. It is estimated that Line 3 will provide jobs for over 6,000 Minnesotans – jobs that will secure Minnesota’s energy future – ensuring our state’s refineries have access to fuel that not only powers our lives, but is the root of all of the things we enjoy on a daily basis – from hockey skates to that warm cozy blanket.

We need a balanced energy policy here in Minnesota that works for everyone. It’s time to speak up regarding the impact energy makes on my life, that is why I support the replacement of Line 3 to better our communities and our environment.

EPA chief: I Would ‘Do Away With’ Wind, Solar Tax Credits

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt believes that the federal tax credits for the wind and solar power industries should be rolled back. Pruitt told a crowd at a Kentucky Farm Bureau event that the credits stand in the way of utility companies making the best decisions about power generation.

“I would do away with these incentives that we give to wind and solar,” he said, referring to wind’s production tax credit and solar’s investment tax credit. “I’d let them stand on their own and compete against coal and natural gas and other sources, and let utilities make real-time market decisions on those types of things as opposed to being propped up by tax incentives and other types of credits that occur, both in the federal level and state level,” he continued.

Pruitt conceded that any move to end the credits would be a “policy decision” for Congress, “not an EPA decision.”

Read More – The Hill

Consumer Energy Alliance Kicks Off Energy Education Campaign in Louisiana

Louisiana bayou tours

NEW ORLEANS, LA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today announced the start of a statewide campaign designed to educate Louisiana policymakers, families, and businesses about the benefits of energy and the central role it plays in their everyday lives and budgets. The campaign will also be announced at today’s Gulf Energy Forum, occurring at the Port of New Orleans, which will feature a discussion by U.S. Interior Department leadership, public policy leaders, members of the business community, and stakeholders on key state energy issues.

CEA’s “Campaign for America’s Energy” will highlight the importance of affordable, reliable energy in the lives of families and businesses, and the consequences that result from bad policy decisions. CEA will continue to hold the energy industry in Louisiana and throughout its neighboring states to a high safety standard while recognizing the need for continued innovation to advance the state’s environmental goals.

The launch of this movement, which is aimed at changing, balancing, and improving the energy discussion so that those directly impacted – American families and businesses – have a greater voice in the dialogue. The effort will encourage decision makers at all levels of government to adopt policies that support energy production and delivery as well as sound environmental stewardship.

The campaign also aims to bring greater awareness to how rejecting or delaying energy production and infrastructure projects hurts lower-income households and those living on fixed incomes. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Louisianans spend over $6,500 annually on energy.  For a low-income Louisianan living at the poverty line, that translates to over 54 percent of their individual income. These expenses often saddle households and those who can least afford them, like the roughly 14 percent of Louisiana residents who are seniors.

“Louisiana residents understand you do not have to choose between protecting the environment and harnessing our vast domestic energy options.  We know both can be done because we see it happen each day in Louisiana,” said Stephen Waguespack, President and CEO of Louisiana Association of Business and Industry. “That’s why we are pleased that CEA’s Campaign for America’s Energy will play a key role in reminding policy makers of the opportunities presented by Louisiana’s energy resources to meet our economic needs and protect our environment.”

“The way we talk about energy needs to change. The choice between heating and cooling a home and a meal is one that no Louisianan should ever have to make – but many of Louisiana’s residents are being forced into that awful decision. A big reason for that is energy costs,” said Link Browder, Mid-Continent Director for CEA. “While we all agree on the outcome we want – cleaner and more affordable energy – the time has come for all decision makers to come together with non-partisan solutions to achieve that goal.”

CEA, an advocacy organization representing families, manufacturers, agriculture, transporters, distributors, energy producers, renewables and various other industries in Louisiana and across the U.S., focuses on helping ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. The organization pushes energy companies to innovate and improve performance while supporting energy independence and a diversification of our energy resources, including renewables like solar and wind.

For more information on the campaign, visit


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242



Nuclear Power in Georgia – A Broad Spectrum of Support

Power plant cooling towers

ATLANTA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), along with a diverse coalition of organizations and concerned citizens today jointly voiced support for the construction and completion of the Vogtle Nuclear Plant currently under review by the Georgia Public Service Commission.

CEA President David Holt said: “Energy animates every part of our lives and powers a modern economy. A balanced, broad and diverse energy mix that utilizes all of our resources enhances reliability, protects families and households and underpins opportunities to continue Georgia’s economic expansion and continued growth.”

Below is the joint statement from the coalition:

As the Georgia Public Service Commission considers the future of a key element of our state’s energy mix, the Vogtle Nuclear Plant, the undersigned express support for the completion of the sole remaining nuclear construction project in the nation for these principle reasons:

  • JOBS CREATION – America invented the technical know-how to produce safe and reliable nuclear power. Nuclear construction, with 50-plus years of future operations, is yielding thousands of well-paid, highly-skilled jobs that enhance local and regional economies and provide the dignity of self-reliance to generations of workers and their families;
  • GEORGIA IS GROWING – Georgia was the seventh-fastest growing state in 2016, adding more than 620,000 residents since 2010. The Atlanta Regional Commission estimates the area will add 2.5 million people by 2040, raising the population to 8 million. We must provide dependable energy to meet the needs of our growing communities in an ever-more connected lifestyle that runs on energy;
  • FAMILIES – Over the longer term, the Vogtle Project will provide significant benefits for families, households and those on a fixed income with affordable electricity. Nuclear is an efficient and dependable source of power with stable fuel costs;
  • DIVERSITY –  Providing optionality and a diverse mix of electricity options ensures that grid and power delivery remain reliable and resilient over the long-term for Georgians;
  • CLEAN – Nuclear power provides dependable, 24/7, clean power production to the blend of resources that make Georgia work;
  • RENEWABLE ENERGY – Nuclear power operates in tandem with Georgia’s growing renewable energy resources, providing grid stability and backup for intermittent generating assets; and
  • NATIONAL SECURITY – Nuclear expertise, since the closing days of World War II, has been essential to energy and national security.  A vibrant nuclear energy industry is an integral component of energy security and for maintaining the network of academic programs, National Research Labs expertise, career pathways, military readiness and international security expertise to ensure the nation remains globally competitive and retains its geopolitical stature.

Coalition Organizations and Citizens

  • Carol Browner, Former EPA Administrator
  • JD Van Brink, Georgia Tea Party
  • Bryan Tolar, President, Georgia Agribusiness Council
  • Mike Giles, President, Georgia Poultry Federation
  • ClearPath Action
  • Nuclear Matters
  • Professor David Gattie, University of Georgia
  • Natalie Wood, NAYGN Past-President
  • Judd Gregg, Former United States Senator from New Hampshire
  • Denise Ingoe, Region I WIN Coordinator
  • Heather Matteson, co-founder Mothers for Nuclear
  • Kristin Zaitz, co-founder Mothers for Nuclear
  • Laura Schepis, Executive Director, Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy (PACE)
  • J. Winston Porter – Ph.D., energy and environmental consultant and former Assistant Administrator of the U.S. EPA
  • Nathan Humphrey, National Federation of Small Businesses
  • Jeff Wansley, Executive Director, Georgia Construction Aggregate Association
  • Charlie Flemming, President, Georgia AFL-CIO
  • Mitchell Byrd, President, Georgia Building Trades and Business Manager of IUOE Local 926
  • Randy Beall, Atlanta and North Georgia Building Trades
  • Louis Partain, IUPAT DC 77 L.U. 193
  • Scott Russell, IUEC Local 32
  • Robert Duffield, Iron Workers Local 387
  • Mike Hamilton, Millwright Local 1263
  • Phil Rainwater, Insulators and Asbestos Workers
  • Pedro Franco, Laborers Local 515
  • Ronald H. Whatley, Business Manager/ Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Sheet Metal Workers Local 85
  • Kevin Swanson, IBEW Local 613
  • Dale Cullum, Business Manager, IAHFIAW Local 92
  • Jose J. Mendoza, Business Manager/Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Regional Reinforcing Local Union 846
  • Gene O’Kelley, IBEW
  • Jeff N. Britt, Business Manager, IUOE Local 470
  • Chuck Hill, Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, IUPAT DC 77
  • Ed Sturken, Servicing Director/Business Representative, IUPAT DC 77/LU 1756
  • Eric Herfurth, Business Representative, Smart LU 85
  • William McMillan, Business Manager, Iron Workers Local 709
  • Marion (Bubba) Davis, Director of Construction, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Ronnie Dexter, District Business Manager,  IBBD3
  • James Scott, Southern Region Representative, Roofers and Waterproofers
  • Tommy Fuller, SMART International Representative
  • Bobby Lunsford, District BM/ES, Boilermakers
  • Allen Braswell, Business Manager, IUOE Local 474
  • Will Salters, President, Augusta Building Trades and Business Manager IBEW Local 1579
  • Marvin J. Smith III, President, Bricklayer’s and Allied Craftworkers Local 8 SE
  • Mohammad S. Davoud, Ph.D., P.E., Founding Dean, Allen E. Paulson (AEP), Georgia Southern University
  • David R. Schwimmer, Ph.D., P.G., Professor of Geology, Columbus State University
  • Jeff Terry, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology

To view the full list of coalition members, please click here.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together consumers, farmers, small businesses, producers, and manufacturers to engage in a meaningful dialogue about America’s energy future. With more than 400,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all consumers to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop and diversify our energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. CEA promotes a thoughtful dialogue to help produce our abundant energy supply, and balance our energy needs with our nation’s environmental and conservation goals. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Pipelines Are Safe – and a Moral Imperative – for PA

Business Women

Craig Stevens of Grow America’s Infrastructure Now cited Consumer Energy Alliance while explaining the undeniable safety record of pipelines compared to traditional transport methods. After decades of research, modern oil and gas pipelines have proven to be the safest and most efficient means of transporting food and raw materials throughout the country.

Pipelines get the energy to market quickly and safely. Major pipeline companies are committed to safety, often times exceeding federal requirements and industry standards through rigorous inspections, testing, and ever-advancing technology.

According to the Consumer Energy Alliance, federal data shows that crude oil and refined products reached its destination safely across the board in 2015. The same applied to natural gas pipelines in 2014.

Further, gas pipeline leaks dropped 94 percent between 1984 and 2012. As technology improves, the numbers will only continue to get better – both in terms of safety and in terms of energy connectivity.

Read More – Penn Live

Lawmakers Look at Cost of Solar Energy

Residential Solar Installation

CEA’s Brydon Ross told the Interim Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Energy that private credits given to solar customers who participate in programs like net metering–which gives retail credit for excess solar energy fed into the electrical grid—allows those customers to avoid paying costs that most consumers on the grid pay.

“Our analysis found that private solar credits are shifting costs on to less affluent customers,” said Ross. “Those who can’t afford private solar should not subsidize those receiving private solar credits.” He was quick, however, to emphasize that his organization supports solar energy. “Advocating for reform in solar does not mean you are anti-solar,” said Ross. “We think the legislature has a real opportunity here to address an issue before it becomes a real problem.”

Read More – The Lane Report