U.S. BOEM Denies Atlantic Seismic Survey Applications

CEA’s David Holt was quoted discussing the economic importance of offshore energy exploration.

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently denied six permit applications to conduct air gun seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration in the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic regions. Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt released a statement expressing his disagreement with the decision. Holt disputed the claim that the surveys could cause harm to marine life and emphasized his belief in their potential economic importance.

Read more – Daily Energy Insider

CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications

Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

North American Clean Energy covered CEA’s statement on denial of permits to conduct needed scientific discovery off the Atlantic.

BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine life. Yet, as BOEM itself has previously acknowledged, these surveys have been conducted for decades without any evidence of adverse impacts on marine animal populations or coastal communities. Furthermore, academic research surveys along the Atlantic using similar seismic technologies have taken place in recent years without incident.

Read more – North American Clean Energy

Renewable Energy Won’t Be Enough


CEA’s Kevin Doyle discussed renewable energy in the Tallahassee Democrat and how it may impact energy consumers such as families and small businesses.

Recent letters and editorials continue to applaud the expansion of renewable energy throughout Florida as the way forward, and with good reason. Yet they fail to address one pressing concern: It won’t be enough to meet the Sunshine State’s mounting energy needs.

Read more – Tallahassee Democrat

Voice Your Support for Louisiana Infrastructure Development

New Orleans, Louisiana bridge over Mississippi

Our personal and national security depend on the ability to build pipelines in Louisiana, and your voice needs to be heard.

American families and small business need American-made energy to meet our most basic needs and keep our economy growing and moving.

The Bayou Bridge Pipeline would connect our Louisiana refineries to fuel terminals across the state, bringing much needed energy to our doorsteps, along with 2,500 jobs, $750 million in state investment, and millions in local and state taxes!

Bayou Bridge would also ease the strain on our transportation infrastructure by taking trucks off the road and freeing up railroad capacity.

But, as we are starting to see all over the country, anti-energy extremists are mounting protests – right here in Louisiana – trying to shut down this much needed American project by using aggressive bullying tactics, civil disobedience and false accusations.

Don’t let them win.

Saying no to pipelines is saying yes to higher energy costs for workers, families, seniors, and you.

Send your support to state and federal officials today by clicking here.


Ms. Stephanie Zumo
Department of Natural Resources
Office of Coastal Management
P. O. Box 44487
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4487
Mr. James Little
Regulatory Branch
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
7400 Leake Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118-3651
RE: AI Number 203160 Permit Number MVN-2015-02295-WII, Activity Number CER20160001
Ms. Zumo and Mr. Little,
As an energy consumer in Louisiana I’m writing to share my strong support for the Bayou Bridge Project and the need for expanded pipeline infrastructure here in our state and across the nation. It is vital that we continue to build out and maintain our critical energy pipeline network to keep prices low for families, those on fixed incomes, and small businesses trying to make ends meet.
The Bayou Bridge Project would bring fuel to families and businesses throughout the state — from Lake Charles to St. James — and ensure that our Louisiana refineries have access to domestically produced energy.
It would provide 2,500 construction jobs, using local Louisiana equipment and services. The Bayou Bridge project would also provide $750 million in local investment and millions in local and state tax dollars.
Bayou Bridge will employ state of the art computer monitoring and safety inspections, and 88 percent of the proposed path will run along existing roads, power lines, and other pipelines.
Our state needs pipelines to keep our fuel and energy costs down, and keep our state moving and growing. Please keep my support in mind when you are considering this important project.

Impact of Energy-Friendly Washington on Energy Industry

Well pad in winter

Oklahoma Energy Today continues it’s interview with CEA’s Tommy Foltz on the impact of the 2016 election and energy policy.

When it comes to the change of leadership at the White House and how it might affect the nation’s oil and gas industry, the head of the Consumer Energy Alliance says there definitely is “optimism” in the industry.

Read more – Oklahoma Energy Today

Pipelines Crucial to Fulfill Our Energy Needs

Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

As America energy production reaches new highs, setting the stage for true energy independence, new and modernized pipelines are required to bring this energy to families and businesses across the nation.

Pipelines are the arteries of our energy system. They move the natural gas, which heats half of our homes, generates the largest share of the nation’s electricity and provides much of the feedstock for our petrochemicals. Oil and gasoline pipelines fuel our vehicles.

We already have a network of more than 200,000 miles of liquid pipelines and 3 million miles of natural gas transmission pipelines in this country.

Read more – Gazette-Mail

Florida Will Have Higher Gas Taxes Jan. 1

Gas station fuel pump octane

CEA’s Kevin Doyle was interviewed on the impact Florida’s increasing gasoline tax will have on energy consumers.

Seven states will have higher gas taxes starting January 1st and Florida is one of them.  Florida has a formula that calculates an automatic tax increase each year for fuel.  In 2017 there will be a higher gas tax of .1 cent per gallon.

Read more – 610 WIOD

Obama Puts US Arctic, Atlantic OCS Off-limits to Oil, Gas Activity

Offshore oil rig with workers

CEA President David Holt discussed the recent administrative actions prohibiting energy exploration with the PanAtlantic Journal.

U.S. President Barack Obama closed 3.8 million acres off the U.S. North and Mid-Atlantic coasts, and 115 million acres in the U.S. Arctic Ocean, to future oil and gas activity. The president made his Arctic move in coordination with Canada in a joint announcement with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who took similar steps with his country’s Arctic offshore area.

Read more – Pan Atlantic Journal

Consumer Energy Leader Sees “Energy Friendly” People Now in Washington

Oil derricks in daytime

Oklahoma Energy Today interviewed CEA’s Tommy Foltz on the impact of the 2016 election and energy policy.

Clearly, the President-elect is very energy friendly as is congress. Where there’s been opposition by the current president, we don’t see that going forward. We see a much more energy-friendly Washington in years to come.

Read more – Oklahoma Energy Today

Oil & Gas Hoping for Brighter Future Under Trump

Natural gas fueling station

CEA’s David Holt discusses what 2017 may bring for oil and gas policies in Washington D.C. and their impact on energy consumers.

As we get set to close the door on 2016 and open the door to 2017, the oil and gas sector is hoping for big changes under President Elect Donald Trump.

Read more – 740 KTRH