19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

New England

New England Regional News

Senior citizens paying bills

CEA Analysis Finds Misguided Energy Policies Would Have Cost Consumers $137.4 Billion More for Winter Heating, Energy Use Families with Access to Natural Gas will Save 21% in Home Heating.

U.S. Supreme Court

HOUSTON, TX – Following the Supreme Court’s approval for construction to begin on the long-awaited Mountain Valley Pipeline, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement: “We.

Child Doing Homework During Power Outage

As Massachusetts’s policymakers continue to neglect the warnings of stakeholders on the cost and reliability of New England’s electricity, CEA’s Marc Brown examines the impact this will have on families.

Senior Citizen Opening Bill

We are in an exciting, evolutionary moment for energy and the environment. Wind and solar power are coming onto the grid at a breakneck pace, carbon capture and storage is.

Cardboard boxes delivered at front door

There are more than 163.5 million Amazon Prime subscribers in the United States, which is expected to grow to 176 million in 2025. If you’re a paying Amazon Prime member.

Family riding bikes in the woods

As New England prepares for another uncertain winter, CEA’s Marc Brown explores the policies that are causing the region’s electricity bills to surge ahead of the national average, squeezing family.