
Family at Sunset

Tell Washington to Expand Access to American Energy!

Good news! Washington and the new administration are continuing to address government overreach and looking to expand access to American offshore energy - And they...
New Orleans, Louisiana bridge over Mississippi

Voice Your Support for Louisiana Infrastructure Development

Our personal and national security depend on the ability to build pipelines in Louisiana, and your voice needs to be heard. American families and small...
Wind turbine with workers

A Clean Energy Future Needs Real Solutions – Not Political Soundbites

As the 2020 presidential election starts to heat up across battleground states, America’s presidential hopefuls will continue to fiercely compete to capture voters’ opinions...
New Orleans Louisiana City Corner

Louisiana Energy Industry Drives Other State Sectors, Too

Kaitlin Schmidtke, CEA's Louisiana State Director, explores how oil and natural gas and their delivery are vital to other state sectors like agriculture, manufacturing...
Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

Atlantic Drilling Opposed; Bipartisan Fight Looms If Trump Gives Green Light

David Holt, CEA's President, discusses offshore energy exploration with the Express-News and the prospects of new development in the Atlantic. “This last election, we’ve seen a significant...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Let Pipeline Workers Do Their Jobs

CEA's Link Browder examined how increasing lawlessness by activists has been preventing American workers from building critical energy infrastructure and American families from seeing...
Natural gas used for cooking

Natural Gas: Why U.S. Leads World in Cutting Emissions

Anti-energy activists have created more chaos, only hurting families and small businesses on a budget, by wrongfully villainizing natural gas without fact-checking first. Most...
Signing a letter

Energy Consumer Protection Pledge Reaches Milestone of 250 Signatories

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for families and businesses who rely on safe and affordable energy, is pleased to...
Riding Bus in Rain

White House Does Victory Lap on Gas Prices While Other Energy Prices Skyrocket

While some politicians are focusing on small decreases in the price of gasoline, despite remaining at historic highs, CEA's latest analysis on winter heating...
Setting the Thermostat

Energy Bill Surge: Consumers Could Shell Out $14B More This Winter

With winter quickly approaching, Consumer Energy Alliance released it's annual winter heating outlook which found families will spend over $14.1 billion more this winter...