19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Mom with two young children

CEA Mid-Atlantic’s Mike Butler was recently interviewed by CBS 21 about the rising cost of natural gas that Pennsylvanians will see on their utility bills. “The price of natural gas.

Person at Gas Station

Mike Butler, the Mid-Atlantic Director for the Consumer Energy Alliance, joined Rick Dayton to talk about 3 different factors that have impacted gas prices in PA, and across the country..

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Today, Pittsburgh International Airport becomes the first airport in the world to be completely powered by a solar energy & natural gas microgrid, further evidence of “better together” and that.

Mother and Son Cooking

CEA Mid-Atlantic’s Mike Butler testified in support of legislation protecting consumer choice in Pennsylvania, ensuring that families and businesses have access to affordable and reliable supplies of natural gas. Michael.

Family cooking breakfast

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable energy sources such as natural gas,.

Construction worker and backhoe

With the stroke of a pen, thousands of union construction jobs modernizing our nation’s energy transmission system were eliminated. CEA’s David Holt looks at how this one action impacts the.

Man clearing snow with a snow blower

With Allegheny County meeting all federal air quality standards for the first time, CEA’s Mike Butler looks at how key pollutants and emissions have decreased while energy production increased. Emissions.

Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Mike Butler, Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic, discusses the proposed severance tax on energy producers in Pennsylvania after the industry was deemed “essential” by Governor Wolf. Imposing a tax on one.

Ice on electric lines

As Texas begins to recover from mass power outages, CEA’s David Holt looks at the necessity of designing a robust energy system that delivers affordable and reliable service, using the.

People in Line During Pandemic

PITTSBURGH, PA — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, expressed concern over Governor Tom Wolf’s severance tax proposal, announced during his recent.