Mike Butler, CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Executive Director talks about the importance of sound permitting policies, based on science and not political hyperbole, when reviewing critical infrastructure projects. Permitting regimes like FERC.
CHARLESTON, W.V. — Thanks to increased production and new technologies, which have decreased the price of natural gas, West Virginians saved more than $4 billion between 2006 and 2016, according.
According to the US Census Bureau Population clock, the population of the United States on July 4 was more than 328 million – which is up more than 2.3 million.
CEA President David Holt recently opined on the lack of civility and increasing lawlessness of anti-energy protesters (as we’ve documented multiple times – see for example here and here) which.
After a long day, it’s nice to come home, flip on the lights and turn on the TV while you change clothes and get ready to start dinner or head.
With continued pipeline constraints preventing oil and natural gas from reaching energy consumers, new projects are being planned that will bring new employment and help keep energy prices from rising..
PITTSBURGH, P.A. — Thanks to increased production and new technologies, which have decreased the price of natural gas, Pennsylvanians saved more than $30.5 billion between 2006 and 2016, according to.
With serious infrastructure constraints caused by the production of more American energy resources, energy consumers need new pipelines to bring oil and natural gas to the market to help put.
Booming American energy production has resulted in pipeline bottlenecks, preventing additional supplies of energy, which could help lower prices, from reaching consumers across the country. Oil drilling and well completions.
As we have previously reported, our increasingly constrained infrastructure hampers economic development and causes families, farmers, and businesses to pay more for the energy they need to get by. The.