19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Steel mill worker over furnace

Chris Ventura had the opportunity to sit down with The Business Journal to discuss the growing opportunities across Ohio for manufacturers to expand and relocate to take advantage of abundant.

A couple paying their utility bills

CEA Midwest Executive Director, discusses the unique impact high energy prices have on individuals and families living below the poverty line. Unlike other necessities — like housing, food and health.

Laborers working on pipeline

CEA’s David Holt discusses the importance of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for North Carolinian’s and how it will provide more opportunities for families and businesses across the state. America is.

Electric transmission lines

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ahead of President Trump’s first State of the Union address, Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt issued the following statement: “In his first year, President Trump has.

Laborers working on pipeline

After years of permitting, the economic benefits of pipeline construction will finally be arriving as unions begin recruiting hundreds of West Virginians for jobs paying family-sustaining wages. The Teamsters Labor.

Mom with two young children

Connelly Springs, NC — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement today after the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality issued a major permit needed to.

North Carolina in Winter

CONNELLY SPRINGS, N.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today called on policymakers and regulators in the U.S. Southeast to better protect working families, seniors and those living in poverty from.

Family at Sunset

Construction has started on a new $750 million investment in Louisiana, bringing new jobs and revenue into local communities. “We’ve had this amazing industrial renaissance that’s been going on in.

Pipeline construction with wind turbines in the background

North Dakota officials are already sounding the alarm that demand to ship oil on pipelines, which provide the safest and most efficient way to transport oil, is far outstripping capacity..

Safety Worker

Modernizing America’s energy infrastructure doesn’t always necessitate building new pipelines. Sometimes, existing pipelines can be enhanced with new technology to become more efficient, allowing households and businesses access to additional.