CEA Mid-Atlantic

As a resurgent manufacturing hub and new energy producing region, the Mid-Atlantic is a key chapter for CEA. We work to get consumers, manufacturing interests, labor, and small businesses engaged in the ever-growing discussion on energy in states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's statement on denial of permits to conduct needed scientific discovery off the Atlantic. BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine...
Offshore oil rig with workers

Obama Puts US Arctic, Atlantic OCS Off-limits to Oil, Gas Activity

CEA President David Holt discussed the recent administrative actions prohibiting energy exploration with the PanAtlantic Journal. U.S. President Barack Obama closed 3.8 million acres off...
Rochester New York

Rational, Balanced Energy Policy Needed in Upstate New York to Protect Families and Small...

A new study issued by the Brattle Group sheds some light on the New York Public Service Commission’s (PSC) Clean Energy Standard and suggests...
Natural Gas Storage Tanks

Carbon Emissions Down to Lowest Levels in 25 Years – Thanks to the Energy...

Concerned about air emissions? Here’s some good news - emissions in the United States are dropping and have been dropping due to the increased...
Offshore oil platform in ocean

Will America Reverse an Offshore Oil and Gas Agenda Gone Adrift?

CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the importance of taking at thoughtful, deliberative approach to implement successful policies for offshore energy exploration. In what promises to be one of...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

CEA Issues Statement on Offshore Energy Announcement

Houston, TX — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today issued the following statement following the Interior Department's release of the Proposed Final...

Eight Lessons From the 2016 Election

CEA's Mike Butler was interviewed by Politics PA on the role of energy in the recent election. “The biggest economic driver here is energy development,”...
White House with Marine One Parked on Lawn

Give New Leadership and Energy a Chance

CEA President David Holt was featured in RealClear Energy discussing the results of the 2016 Presidential Election and its impact on energy policy. The silent...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

When Conversations Turn Violent

CEA President David Holt was featured in the Washington Examiner after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, endangering not only first responders,...
Rolled Steel

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Energy and Manufacturing Forum

CEA recently hosted the Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum to provide a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current energy issues...