CEA Mid-Atlantic

As a resurgent manufacturing hub and new energy producing region, the Mid-Atlantic is a key chapter for CEA. We work to get consumers, manufacturing interests, labor, and small businesses engaged in the ever-growing discussion on energy in states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

CEA discusses electrical grid amid carbon rules

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review interviewed David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance, for a story detailing what problems might await electrical power grids in the coming...

Pennsylvania Legislators Queried on Proposed Marcellus Moratorium

Pittsburgh, PA – Energy Consumer advocate Consumer Energy Alliance – Mid Atlantic is asking Pennsylvania state legislators if they agree or disagree with a...
Circuit board for electronics

Philadelphia: A future ‘Silicon Valley of energy research’?

Michael Krancer, former Department of Environmental Protection in Pennsylvania, recently wrote about how he was often asked by his fellow Philadelphians, “What’s in it...

Energy issues are paramount to the Keystone State’s 2014 election

A continuing string of polls once again underscores what we have known for quite some time now: that the overall economy will be, without a doubt,...
Putting gas in car

Cheapest Travel Weekend in 11 Years

CEA Mid-Atlantic's Mike Butler discussed what families can expect to see at the pump as they head out this 4th of July. Nationally, nearly 43...
Pipeline construction with welder

Pipeline to Prosperity

CEA's Mike Butler wrote about the importance of pipelines, such as Mariner East 2, in the context of economic development and conservation. With more than...
American oil refinery

‘Keep it in the Ground’: Not the Energy Plan We Need

CEA President David Holt was featured in RealClear Energy discussing how consumers have benefited from American energy production. America’s energy revolution has resulted in record-low...
Family cooking breakfast

Green New Deal Would Cost American Consumers More Than $258 Billion – in JUST...

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable...
Offshore wind farm

From Wind Projects to Pipelines: Energy Policymakers Play Games With Funds

David Holt, Consumer Energy Alliance President, talked about the unnecessary politicization of energy policy which has stalled development of projects like Cape Wind, an...
Baltimore Maryland

Let Offshore Oil, Natural Gas Boost Families, Businesses

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the opportunities offshore energy exploration will create for families and businesses across the region. With customers in Maryland...