CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Well pad in winter

Impact of Energy-Friendly Washington on Energy Industry

Oklahoma Energy Today continues it's interview with CEA's Tommy Foltz on the impact of the 2016 election and energy policy. When it comes to the...
Public Hearing

Minnesota Hears It From Both Sides Over Enbridge Oil Pipeline

State leaders in Minnesota heard from both sides of the debate over the Enbridge Line 3 project, which would replace an aging crude oil...

Group Discusses Energy in Relationship to Election

CEA's Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on...
Cars on the production line

Innovation Is Happening

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura looks at the innovation happening in our energy and manufacturing industries which have caused improvements in environmental quality...
Family Walking in the Park

Turning Appalachian Trail Into a Green Wall

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brydon Ross takes a stand on red tape created by anti-energy activists in the Appalachian Trail area. "The idea that the 2,200-mile...
Laborers working on pipeline

CEA Launches Pipelines Campaign

Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discussed the importance of pipelines to farmers and manufacturers. For far too long, constraints on pipeline capacity have prevented consumers,...
Cars in Traffic

Gas Prices Fluctuate Heading Into Holiday

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura has the opportunity to speak with WTOL's Victoria Idoni about what families will see as they prepare to hit...
Solar panel installation on roof

Time to Reassess Energy Policies

CEA's Chris Ventura discusses the incentives available for solar energy installations to Michigan's energy consumers and the importance of reassessing state policies to ensure...
Minneapolis, Minnesota from Stone Arch Bridge

Minnesota Tribe Asks: Can Wild Rice Have Its Own Legal Rights?

CEA Midwest Executive Director was interviewed on techniques used by extreme activist groups that try to abuse the U.S. legal system in their attempts...
Inside view of a pipeline

Consumer Energy Group Applauds the Administration for Continuing its Review of the Line 3...

Minneapolis, MN – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura, following today’s joint statement by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MNPCA) and...