Regional Chapters

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Alaska Trucking Association

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Alaska Trucking Association as its newest affiliate member. The Alaska Trucking Association is a member-driven...
Residential Solar Installation

Misconceptions About Solar Bill

It's been over a decade since Kentucky's policymakers have revisited energy policy to assess the state of renewable energy and how to best encourage...
Car traffic in mirror

Lower Gas Prices Could Bring Busy Roads for Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, CEA's Brydon Ross discussed what travelers can expect to pay at the pump and how American energy production is helping...
Onshore fracking well pad

Causer, Scarnati Have Concerns Over Proposed State Budget

With a new state budget proposal in Pennsylvania, CEA's Mike Butler was asked about the effect a new tax proposal would have on energy...
Texas drilling rig

CEA President Discusses Energy on Houston Radio

On Feb 10th, CEA President David Holt sat down with Michael Berry on Houston's KTRH to discuss energy policy for a full hour. The discussion...
Laborers working on pipeline

CEA Launches Pipelines Campaign

Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discussed the importance of pipelines to farmers and manufacturers. For far too long, constraints on pipeline capacity have prevented consumers,...
Money going into gas tank

Hidden Gas Tax Will Hit Low-Income, Rural Minnesotans Hardest

ST. PAUL – Today, the Senate Transportation Committee will hear the Clean Transportation Standard Initiative (S.F. 2584). While CEA generally supports low carbon and...

New EPA Rules Will Cost Families, Businesses and Environment

CEA's Kaitlin Hammons discussed the consequences of a new Environmental Protection Agency rule regarding methane regulations, and how that would negatively impact families. Proposed rules...
Anchorage Alaska

Stand Up for Alaska Families and Businesses, Send a Message to Washington!

Alaska families and businesses depend on the jobs that come from our state’s abundant energy resources. However, in recent years federal actions closed the door to much...

Colorado Frack Ban Axed

CEA's Shawn Martini was interviewed by The Progressive Farmer about the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling that local bans on hydraulic fracturing are unconstitutional. “This is...