Regional Chapters

Fort Lauderdale Florida beach

Consumer Energy Alliance Kicks off Energy Education Campaign in Florida

Tallahassee, FL – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today announced the start of a statewide campaign designed to educate Florida lawmakers, families and businesses about...
Minneapolis Minnesota at night

Consumer Group Expresses Disappointment of Hearing Cancellation, Urges PUC to Move Swiftly

Minneapolis, MN – After unruly protesters made a mockery of proceedings and became belligerent during a public hearing for Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement project...
Energy Day Houston

A New Energy Day Festival, A New Attendance Record

HOUSTON – October 21, 2017 – Families, students, educators, and local industry leaders turned out in droves Saturday to set yet another attendance record...
Restaurant in Detroit Michigan

Invest in Michigan Energy Jobs

Since the latest recession, Michigan has almost fully recovered the majority of the manufacturing jobs it lost.  Yet, University of Michigan economists are predicting...
Colorado Energy & Manufacturing Forum 2017

Forum Highlights Importance of Fracking to Colorado Manufacturing

All signs are pointing to the makings of a U.S. manufacturing renaissance, and the U.S. shale boom is a clear contributor. According to recent...
Woman raising hand to speak

Consumer Group Calls Out Inaccurate Electricity Study

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt released the following statement in response to a recent report released in New England...
Rooftop Solar

CEA Working for Fair Solar Metering in Pueblo, Colorado

Last year, Colorado ranked 11th of all states for installed solar capacity – which is excellent progress. This progress has been achieved by the...
Larimer Street in Denver Colorado

Energy & Pipelines Help Make Everything Around You

CEA's Chief Operating Officer, Andrew Browning, explains the important role pipeline infrastructure plays in every sector of Colorado's economy. Pipelines work invisibly beneath our...
Older farmer on a tractor

Keystone XL Is a Must-have for Nebraska — and Its Farmers

Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, Michael Whatley, appeared in the Grand Island Independent news to discuss the benefits of pipeline infrastructure, particularly...
Vote Yes on Louisiana Amendment 1

Why You Should Vote “YES” for Louisiana’s Constitutional Amendment #1

Voting YES on Amendment 1 is saying YES to jobs in Louisiana Voting yes to Constitutional Amendment #1 on Saturday means voting yes on jobs,...