
Sunrise Over New Mexico

Energy Grows Money for Environmental Enhancements in New Mexico

If you log into Facebook you’ll see stories and shared articles claiming that the oil and gas industry is harming the environment. The industry...
Zoomed in look at a copper penny

Copper Prices Soar: The Vital Force Behind the Energy Evolution (Energy Explorer)

In the rapidly evolving global energy landscape, one metal is emerging as a critical player: copper. Known for its excellent conductivity and versatility, copper...
food safety

What’s Your Solution for Food Safety?

Much of what we eat is packaged to keep it fresh until someone purchases it and takes it home to eat. This is why...

Are we being realistic about energy – conventional or alternative?

Earlier this summer, The National Review asked whether Americans had a realistic view of our energy needs, our energy supply, and our ability to...
Man performing home energy audit

Consumer Corner: 8 Energy-Saving Tips for Lower Utility Bills

In today's world, where energy use and costs continue to rise, consumers are always looking for ways to lower their utility bills. With the...
Double Standard

Why We Must End America’s Double Standard on Energy Safety

As much as we’d like to think we’ve moved past most double standards in America, many still exist. One of the biggest in the media...
Financial Markets Update

The Tank is Full – Why U.S. Oil Prices Hit a Record Low

The price of a barrel of U.S. oil fell to a record low and even plunged briefly into negative territory. The shocking drop sparked a...

State Legislators Say Interior Withholding Mineral Royalties is “akin to theft”

Legislators belonging to the Energy Producing States Coalition (EPSC) this week alerted leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee of their opposition to the Department...

Whatley: President’s Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers

President's Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers by Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 7/3/2013 Earlier last week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to...

Taking the drilling debate south for the winter

Texas. California. Alaska. And now, Florida. That’s the latest site of what has become a series of heated debates over offshore drilling. All around...