
The uncertain state of regulation

The uncertain state of regulation Last week, we learned about plans for a new set of regulations covering natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing. And...
Wind Turbines and Oil Wells

Good Sense, Not Good Intentions, Will Evolve Our Energy Mix the Right Way

You've seen it written in headlines and out of the mouths of anti-energy activists. Stop Line 3 - without any sense or understanding of...

Notable in Energy News

Oil Shockwaves From U.S. Shale Boom Seen by IEA Ousting OPEC: Bloomberg News on Tuesday reportedon a new International Energy Agency (IEA) assessment that concludes the...

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week

Massive Power Outage Returns Most of Puerto Rico to Darkness (via UPI) The island of Puerto Rico cannot seem to catch a break. In the...
Abiquiu, New Mexico

Just Getting Somewhere in New Mexico is Expensive

New Mexico’s citizens are blessed with wide-open stretches of beauty that appropriately gives the state its title of Land of Enchantment. From the rocky...

New York State Report Finds Fracking Safe

A report in the N.Y. Times uses the words "safe" and "hydrofracking" in the same sentence.  The analysis conducted by the State of New...
Top 5 energy stories

Top 5 Energy News Stories This Week

Top 5 Energy News Stories This Week Corporate Giants Form the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance Companies like Google, Disney, General Motors, Walmart and more have launched...

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week

Energy Contractor Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s Electric Grid Questioned by U.S. Congress (via USA Today) A small electricity and utility contractor, which until very recently only...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Another Labor Day without Keystone XL

This coming Labor Day Weekend marks the fourth year Union construction workers will not be taking a day off from building the Keystone XL Pipeline to...
Child Paddle Boarding

7 Energy Efficiency Ideas This Summer

As we pass the mid-way point for the year some of us have started evaluating our diets, our goals for the second part of...