19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Dairy Farmer

When you sit down to eat, do you ever consider where your food comes from or what it takes to produce it? Seriously – and I’m not referring to your.

New Mexico Farmer

Who doesn’t love the zoo? For nearly 150 years, families and schoolchildren on field trips have flocked to zoos to watch, and learn, about animals. Today, there are well over.


EIA: 1 in 4 Households are All Electric EIA’s most recent 2015 Residential Energy Consumption Survey found that twenty-five percent of United States households nationwide are using only electricity. The.


Most women experience a range of emotions when sending their children off to daycare or kindergarten for the first time. Some experience relief, while others suffer from an absence. Some.

Young family moving into a new house

One of the most well-known power outages in U.S. history took place in New York in 2003. All told, 50 million people lost power for approximately two days. Some 15.

side hustle

Most people are familiar with the term, “keeping up with the Joneses” or at the very least recognize the phenomenon that happens with the human psyche, especially here in America,.

student debt

No matter how old, or young, you are, the joy of receiving a paycheck is generally universal. It’s confirmation that your hard work has paid off and it usually provides.

Double Standard

As much as we’d like to think we’ve moved past most double standards in America, many still exist. One of the biggest in the media is unequal pay between genders..


The Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), often referred to as Obamacare, changed modern day healthcare. As Karen Pollitz, health care policy expert and senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, explains.

People Wearing Costumes

Well, Game of Thrones is officially over, and while many of us are still grappling with a lot of mixed emotions on how it ended, it’s safe to say that.