
Voters Gather to Say ‘Yes’ to Offshore Alaskan Energy Development

In front a crowd of supporters holding up signs that read “OCS YES!”, energy consumers, producers, and business leaders from across Alaska came together...

Alaskan Energy Consumers to Feds: Open Up More Areas for Development

In front a crowd of supporters holding up signs that read “OCS YES!”, energy consumers, producers, and business leaders from across Alaska came together...
Pipeline construction

Buffett Endorses KXL as President Delays Approval

President Obama may be reluctant to support the KXL, but American business leaders recognize that the project is a key part of continuing a...
Well pad in winter

Bill Gates Weighs in on Energy Research

When Bill Gates gets involved, you know it’s serious. That’s why we were glad to see Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist pounding the lectern...
Putting gas in car

Ideas for Making the Most of Gas Savings

Bloomberg reports that a steady decline in gas prices has left consumers with extra cash in their pockets after filling up their tanks. For one...
Pipeline construction

Keystone Tiptoes Closer to Final Congressional Approval

Today, the Senate voted to approve pro-Keystone legislation, setting the stage for what is likely to become one of the first Republican legislative victories...
U.S. Capitol building at night in Washington, D.C.

State of the Union – To Boost the Middle Class, Look to Energy

President Obama will deliver his seventh State of the Union address this evening. From what we know based on a preview of his speech,...

With Court’s Ruling, It’s Time to Move Forward and Build Keystone XL Now

Last Friday, the Nebraska State Supreme Court issued an opinion in support of the Keystone XL project's route through the Cornhusker State. The decision...
Lightning during storm at night

Top Five Energy Stories of 2014

This year the news has been full of good news and bad news for U.S. energy consumers. Major policy decisions (or lack thereof), changes...

Check Out Our Energy Efficient Holiday Gift Guide

Having a hard time finding the perfect gift this holiday season? Consider energy-saving gifts that are sure to bring holiday joy while saving your...