

Top 5 Energy Stories This Week

This week Alex Trebek updated us on his cancer diagnosis, Harvey Weinstein was moved to Riker’s Island jail after his hospital stay and Demi...

Check Out Our Energy Efficient Holiday Gift Guide

Having a hard time finding the perfect gift this holiday season? Consider energy-saving gifts that are sure to bring holiday joy while saving your...

Georgia Families and Households Need a 21st Century Grid

Georgians Need Smarter, More Capable Electric Infrastructure to Ensure Reliability and Keep Prices Low Making Investments Today, to Improve Tomorrow You may not realize it, but...

Governors Seek Revenue Offshore

Coastal state governors are looking to advance OCS development in an effort to generate new tax revenue for their states.  E&E Daily reports: Governors group...

What is the Hype Around Carbon Capture, and What is It?

As the United States and the world look for ways to decarbonize, there is one thing for sure: there is no silver bullet. There...
net sero

Drilling and Net Zero: How to Avoid Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater

In the most recent analyses, Wood Mackenzie, the International Energy Agency, and OPEC+ all gave their long-term growth projections for oil and gas development....

Get a Grip on Water Drips

Did you know that a leaky faucet in your home can cause your water bill to increase significantly? Even a slow drip can cost...
New Mexico

Energy Grows Tourism in New Mexico

Each year, millions of people visit the Land of Enchantment to experience the scenery, its famous cuisine, stand-out southwestern art, and historic (oftentimes ancient)...
Home Improvement

5 Do-It-Yourself Project Ideas To Save You Money On Energy Bills This Summer

It happens every year: the weather warms up, the air conditioner runs more often, and your energy bills go up. With the warm and...
Child leaving house for school

Teaching Kids Responsible Energy Saving Habits

Developing good energy-saving habits is essential for many reasons. Not only will it help to lower your utility bills, but it is also vital...