
CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – October 15

News stories this week focused on the energy crisis gripping the world, causing some to wonder if the U.S. is next? U.S. oil prices...
A couple paying their utility bills

Georgia’s Energy Successes Shouldn’t Be Undone by the Federal Government

Georgians concerned about high gasoline prices, inflation, and high home heating bills this winter need look no further than the United Kingdom or California...

Why S in ESG Is Just as Important as the E and the G

ESG – short  for Environmental, Social, Governance – is all the buzz on Wall Street and corporate C-suites, a sign of a shift toward...
Pipeline Connection

The Importance of Pipeline Infrastructure

Pipeline infrastructure is extremely important to help our country function. In fact, there are roughly 2.4 million miles of pipe in this vast transportation...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – October 8

Oil prices continued to rise this week following the decision by OPEC+ to continue their previously planned output increases rather than increasing it further...
Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

LED Light Bulbs and Their Benefits

Many people are replacing their outdated incandescent, halogen, and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs with Light-emitting Diode (LED) bulbs, but what are the benefits...
Young woman checking her train in time board

Energy Grows Travel

While many often think of travel for businesses purposes first, according to the U.S. Travel Association (USTA), 74 percent of travel is for leisure...
Making Coffee

Spilling the Beans on Sustainability

Coffee is one of people’s favorite pick-me-ups, and what better way to enjoy your cup of joe in the morning than by knowing that...
net sero

Drilling and Net Zero: How to Avoid Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater

In the most recent analyses, Wood Mackenzie, the International Energy Agency, and OPEC+ all gave their long-term growth projections for oil and gas development....

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – October 1

This week OPEC declared itself the big winner in the global energy transition and predicted the Middle East will ship 57% of the world’s crude...