Imagine if a new offensive play became popular and the NFL decided to mandate that every coach run it exactly 6 times per game. But, trying not to be too.
HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance supports Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s plan to apply for an oil and gas “exploration plan” in the 1002 area of the 1.5 million acre Arctic.
Consumer group helps form industry taskforce to improve collaboration and safety HOUSTON, April 23, 2013 – Oil and gas companies have joined forces with the trucking industry to promote improved.
Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt, sits down and answers consumer questions. Douglas P. from Indiana wants to know, “Is there anyway to approve the Keystone pipeline without the support.
***Prepared remarks by CEA President David Holt to the Annual Meeting of the Alaskan Resource Development Council. A slide deck accompanying the address is available below. *** It’s no secret.
President’s Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers by Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 7/3/2013 Earlier last week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to attack climate change,.
President’s Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers by Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 7/3/2013 Earlier last week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to attack climate change,.
Nearly 500 days have past since the President vetoed the first Keystone XL proposal. Thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth have stalled so that federal officials can again.
Watch CEA President David Holt address RDC’s 38th Annual Meeting Luncheon which took place on June 26th in Anchorage, AK. June 26 RDC Annual Meeting Featuring David Holt, CEA from.
The Energy Information Administration released an analysis showing the Brent-WTI spread has narrowed from more than $23 per barrel in mid-February to $9/bbl in April to $6/bbl and $10/bbl since.