
Groups Express Concerns As Crude-oil Pipeline Protests Escalate

CEA President David Holt was quoted after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, placing first responders, families, and the environment...
Monthly natural gas heating bill

It’s Time to Fight Back Against Anti-Development Threat

CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the savings families have seen as a result of American energy development. We’re well aware of the many successes that America’s...
Family Preparing Food on Natural Gas Stove

Green New Deal Would Cost Buyers $245B – in Just 4 Appliances

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey sponsor the Green New Deal. While the deal has seen great support in the press, it comes...
Senior Citizen Opening Bill

Cold Costs: Texas Freeze Will Mean Higher Energy Bills

CEA President David Holt joined KPRC to talk about the impact colder temperatures will have on Texans' energy bills this winter. Listen here – KPRC AM...
Wind turbine with workers

Energy Grows Renewables

There is a large and growing debate in circles across the country and around the world on whether we should or can move to...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Govt Seeks Public Comment on Offshore Drilling

No country so restricts offshore drilling as ours, but the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is considering opening up new offshore areas for...

Thousands in Louisiana Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Louisiana Call for Approval of Keystone XL BATON ROUGE – Today the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA) announced, in conjunction with Consumer...
Setting the Thermostat

Southeast Consumers Support Improved Energy Availability, Economic Growth

Consumer Energy Alliance today submitted more than 20,000 comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging for the swift approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline....

Southeast Leaders Voice Concerns with EPA’s Proposed Carbon Emissions Regulations

Atlanta, GA – Leaders from key consumer groups, businesses, seniors, and labor and public officials from the nation’s southeast region today convened a press...

CEA Praises Bipartisan Congressional Letter to Interior Dept. on Polar Bear Ruling; Echoes Call...

HOUSTON - December, 22, 2009   Earlier today, 13 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Don Young of Alaska, wrote Interior...