
Statue of Liberty

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Asks New York Regulators Consider Rate Relief

ALBANY, NY – Consumer Energy Alliance, the leading consumer energy advocate, submitted comments to the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) on a petition...

We’re Losing the Race for Arctic Oil

By David Holt | Real Clear Policy U.S. economic competitiveness has always been inexorably tied to technological advancements, innovation, and our enterprising spirit. For a...
pipeline staging yard

Hundreds Gather to Share Opinions on the Keystone XL Pipeline With State Leaders

CEA's Michael Whatley discussed the Keystone XL Pipeline and the impact of the pipeline in the context of job creation. It will create 55,000 jobs...
DAPL Protests

Professional Protesters Threaten Energy Infrastructure

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists sat down with David Holt to discuss CEA's latest report “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical...
Taconite Mine Along Lake Superior

Mining Is More than Coal, It’s Also Critical Minerals Found in Technology, Renewables

Mining is a four letter word is some communities. The U.S. continues to shut down mines, but the fact of the matter is that...

Despite Warning Last October, NJ EMP Neglects Current Infrastructure Updates

The New Jersey EMP still does not take into account natural gas infrastructure updates that were urged to be put in place in October. A...
CEA-Florida Executive Director (right) readies for the Gulf Coast Energy Forum with event partner Lance Brown, Executive Director for PACE – Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy.

Gulf Coast forum Reviews EPA Air Regulations

Mobile, AL was the site for the Gulf Coast energy forum. Consumer Energy Alliance partnered with PACE to host the forum on the future...

A Vote for Energy Is a Vote for America

When Americans hit the polls in a few weeks, job growth and the overall economy will be the most important issue in deciding whom...

National Consumer Group Knocks SJC Pipeline Decision

CEA's David Holt was quoted in coverage over the recent Supreme Judicial Court decision that will place an undue financial burden on energy consumers. David...

Top 5 Energy News Stories This Week

Two Arkansas Utilities Look at Storage Solutions Ozarks Electric Cooperative and Today’s Power, Inc. alongside the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas, are working on a storage...